Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pregnancy dreams & visitors

Pregnancy dreams.  They are insane.  Not only are they of strange subject matter, but they are also so vivid that when I wake up the first thing that crosses my mind is, "Did that really happen? Oh, phew! It was just a dream."

My dream last night was so strange - Allan convinced me to be a sister wife with Snow White from Once Upon a Time and Nicolette from Big Love.  The thing is, he wasn't even the husband!!  I spend most of the dream trying to find my niche, but after figuring out I couldn't cook or clean I decided I no longer wanted to be a sister wife and asked Allan if I could go back to being his wife.  So, so strange.  How does my brain even come up with this stuff!?

On a less strange note - we picked my mom up from the airport yesterday!!! I'm so very excited to see her.  Although, I wish I wasn't on bed rest for her visit.  I go see the doctor on Tuesday, and hopefully she will take me off restrictions, but until then I'm spending my time hanging on the couch and watching TV with mom.  It's been nice to catch up on things and talk bout the bubs.

She also brought me this awesome present from my dad...he had a custom shirt made for me for the pregnancy...

I'll make sure to get a picture wearing it a bit later...but it's pretty awesome!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the T-shirt!!! Enjoy the time with your Mom and remember bed rest doesn't last forever. :)
