Friday, May 31, 2013

16 Weeks

How far along: 16w0d - Zara and Isla are the size of avocados. More importantly, they are 5 & 6 ounces and the U/S tech said all of the anatomy she could see looked great!

Total weight gain: 14lbs - don't judge - I'm carrying twins!! Actually, I'm a few pounds under the recommended gain for this far along.  

Maternity clothes: I need some more tops - but I'm set on bottoms at the moment.  Loving my GAP jeans.  I want to live in them (or yoga pants!).

Stretch marks: They finally appeared - I had to use BB's belly lotion on them a few nights ago b/c they hurt so bad!

Sleep: Starting to really sleep again - only getting up once a night. 

Best moment of this week: Seeing the girls on an u/s after falling (only me!) to make sure they were okay and finding out they were girls!!!

Miss anything: Being able to lift things - mom and Allan have done SO much work on this move!

Movement: It's starting to happen a bit more - but only at night.  Isla kicked me last night and I could finally feel it - I've only been able to feel Zara so far - so she's making herself known now too!

Food cravings: Granny smith apples & swiss cheese.  Damn is swiss cheese good! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat still - wondering when this is going to stop. 

Have you started to show yet: Yep, I look like most women look at 20-22 weeks. Lol

Gender: Two beautiful girls!!!!

Labor signs: Braxton Hicks a bit - but I didn't know it, I thought it was my UTI returning.  Thank goodness for doctors! 

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: On - getting harder to turn and such...but I'm not ready to take them off yet. 

Mood most of the time: Happy/excited - I love knowing they are doing just fine and growing on track.  I also like that we can start buying gender specific things!

Looking forward to: Getting settled in the house and focusing on where to put the girls and how to decorate for them. 


Isla on top & Zara on bottom

Isla - a bit camera shy

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Week 16 U/S

Okay, so I swore I'd never put U/S pictures on Facebook...but I never said anything about a blog...I just think it's so strange for people to be able to see my insides - but these pictures were just too cool not to share.  "Baby A" is Zara and "Baby B" is Isla.

Z getting ready to suck her thumb - already starting bad habits!

Zara is just getting ready to kick Isla in the head...nice and feisty! 

Monday, May 27, 2013

The weekend is over...

...and I had no major incidents!!!  Actually, not only did I not have any incidents - all of my SCH symptoms have subsided.  It freaks me out a bit that it might mean something is wrong...but I'm trying to stay positive about it until tomorrow morning when we go in for our next u/s!!

For now....I happy dance!!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pregnancy dreams & visitors

Pregnancy dreams.  They are insane.  Not only are they of strange subject matter, but they are also so vivid that when I wake up the first thing that crosses my mind is, "Did that really happen? Oh, phew! It was just a dream."

My dream last night was so strange - Allan convinced me to be a sister wife with Snow White from Once Upon a Time and Nicolette from Big Love.  The thing is, he wasn't even the husband!!  I spend most of the dream trying to find my niche, but after figuring out I couldn't cook or clean I decided I no longer wanted to be a sister wife and asked Allan if I could go back to being his wife.  So, so strange.  How does my brain even come up with this stuff!?

On a less strange note - we picked my mom up from the airport yesterday!!! I'm so very excited to see her.  Although, I wish I wasn't on bed rest for her visit.  I go see the doctor on Tuesday, and hopefully she will take me off restrictions, but until then I'm spending my time hanging on the couch and watching TV with mom.  It's been nice to catch up on things and talk bout the bubs.

She also brought me this awesome present from my dad...he had a custom shirt made for me for the pregnancy...

I'll make sure to get a picture wearing it a bit later...but it's pretty awesome!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

What the what!?

Do you remember the movie The Holiday with Cameron Diaz & Jude Law (oh, and Jack Black & Kate Winslet)?  Remember how Amanda, Cameron's character can't cry, like she physically cannot shed a tear?  Well, that pretty much sums up my adult life.  I just don't really show emotion like that...for example, I have yet to cry at an ultrasound - when apparently every single woman ever cries when she hears the heartbeats or sees the baby move for the first time.   Not. Me.  Do I cry? Sure - I have usually one or two good cries a year...but other than that I don't really's strange..

So, imagine my surprise when I teared (no actual tears) up at just about anything a few days ago.  And even though I haven't cried today I feel like I'm on the verge of it at any moment...and I'm actually pretty happy today.  These hormones are strange.  They've been doing strange things to my body, physically, for awhile now...but now they're messing with my mental abilities.  

Lighten up, hormones.  Nobody likes an attention whore!  

The weekend is here again...

I've officially lost my marbles...The weekend is here again - and it makes me feel like a crazy lady.  Every weekend for almost a month something has happened that has not been so good.  The not knowing of what is going to happen makes me cray-cray!!  Which, really isn't a good thing as I'm already a bit batty from 2 weeks of bed rest!

The one good thing? MOM IS COMING TO VISIT!!!!!!!! I can't wait - it will be so nice to see her during all of this!!!  One more day....

15 weeks!!!

How far along: 15w0d - the bubs are now the size (in length) of oranges!! I'm not sure why but it seems like a really big number and I'm thrilled to be this far along. 

Total weight gain: Still not looking - although I don't think it's too terribly much. 

Maternity clothes: Yes, and I just got some GAP maternity jeans that I'm in love with.  I seriously get why women go on and on about them when pregnant. 

Stretch marks: Same ones that have been showing up...I keep watching for new ones, but thankfully, they are staying away!

Sleep: Waking up to pee and super vivid dreams.  Other than that it's all good! 

Best moment of this week: Probably Monday when I had an u/s to check on the bubs.  Both were okay and flipping around - and the clot hadn't grown!! It didn't shrink either, but hey, at least it didn't grow. 

Miss anything: Leaving the house, working, daily outings - bed rest is not fun!

Movement: I'm not sure.  The last few days there have been a couple of times where I think, "Hmmm - what's that?" It could very well be a baby - but it happens so rarely and for such a short period of time there's no telling really. 

Food cravings: Granny smith apples. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still meat - but I've been able to get chicken in a few times this week! Baby steps...

Have you started to show yet: Absolutely - I put on a non-maternity shirt yesterday and it looked ridiculous and didn't even cover the bottom of my belly!  

Gender: I'm still saying boy/girl - the cool thing? We might find out on Tuesday if I'm right!! The OB said there would be a good chance she might be able to tell...I hope so!! 

Labor signs: N/a 

Belly button in or out: In - but it's not looking as deep as it used to be!

Wedding rings on or off: On - getting harder to turn and such...but I'm not ready to take them off yet. 

Mood most of the time: Anxious. I just want this SCH to clear up so I can go back to doing regular things, not worrying about the babies as much, and enjoy my pregnancy. 

Looking forward to: Seems to be a theme: Next Tuesday (the office is closed on Monday) when we go in for a full OB appt.  I have a lot of questions to bring, we get another U/S (I think she mentioned 3D) and my mom will be there too!! To add to it all - we might actually know the genders at this point!!  Oh, and I think I'll get the green light to set up my MFM (high risk) doctor appointment!  I'm seriously so anxious to get to that doctor with some of my bigger questions! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My day in GIFs...

I woke up about a million times to go to the bathroom...and then was up on and off from 3a.m. on.  They say this is my body's way of preparing me for nightly feedings.  While I appreciate that my body is helping me adjust - couldn't it wait a few more months?!

I got up and watched TV for a bit and entertained the cat...or annoyed him, depending on who you ask.

Then I watched about 2 hours of Sex & The City...but not the episodes with Big - the ones with Burger.  Oooo how I hate Burger - did anybody actually like him?

I actually think my hormones are kicking in and I got quite emotional today - even when watching S&TC and funny youtube videos.  I didn't cry much - but I did a lot of "I'm gonna make a strange face and breathe through my mouth in order to stop the tears" face making...not cute!  Heck, even Justin can't make it look cute!

I then stuffed my face like I wasn't going to eat.  Ever. Again.  I'm happy to report I'm starting to get my taste for fruits and veggies back - still can't eat chicken - but I try to sneak it in when I can.

I then played video games for an insane amount of time.  It helped pass the time though...

Thankfully I had a lot of text messages and even a few phone calls to break up the day!!

Unfortunately, I'm still bored.  Bored. Bored. Bored...buuuuut - by now it was almost time for the husband to get home!! That's always a highlight of the day!!

Somehow I always forget what  hot mess I am after a day of bed rest - but thankfully he never has a bad reaction when seeing me after work!! Gotta love that guy!!

Unfortunately for me - the husband like to workout - so off to the gym he goes.  So it's Dr. Phil time in hopes that somebody has such a messed up situation that it keeps me entertained for at least an hour...

But it hasn't - and I'm trying not to fall asleep from boredom at 7pm at night and making an entirely sad blog post using GIFs b/c I'm so bored.

And I get to do it all again tomorrow...lucky me!!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Bed rest: Part II

Another 7 (technically 8, as the doctor's office isn't open until Tuesday) days of bed rest.  Ugh!! The good news is both babies were bouncing around with good, strong heartbeats!  Keep growing bubs - and hopefully my body will start picking up the slack and shrink this SCH!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Seriously?? No...seriously??

Well, here we are - day 7 of bed rest and I really had my hopes up that this SCH had miraculously disappeared and we'd be back on track.  I had two full days without spotting, let alone bleeding, and then BAM! It's back.  Not even spotting - the full on bleeding thing.

Did I mention how much I hate weekends?  Weekends = bleeding.

This time is a bit different than the other ones though.  I'm not as worried about it, I suppose, because the doctor told me to expect this to possibly happen.  Also, it's the "good" color - the one you want - not the "bad" color like last weekend.

Here's the thing - I've got a lot going on...I'm growing ever tired of bed rest, this coming week is the last week of school for the kiddos and I really want to say good-bye, we are moving in two weeks and I need to be able to get things going, my mom is arriving on Saturday and I want to do more than just hang out with her bedside.  This sucks.

But, even with all that going on - I'll do what I have to do to keep baby A safe and sound.  That's my main job these days, right?  I just wish he/she wasn't giving me such a run for my money already!!

Friday, May 17, 2013


Really, really anxious about the weekend.  I've spent one night of out of the weekend, for the last two weekends, in the ER with a large amount of bleeding.  Not sure what it is about the weekends that make me bleed.  I'm getting really, really nervous for this weekend though.  I just want the SCH to go away so that the twins are safe and sound!!!!

14 weeks

My ticker on The Bump - it changes fruit each Friday.
We've made it to LEMON status!! 

How far along:
14w0d - officially in the second trimester, no matter what website or book you reference.  Adios first tri, it was real, but not real fun!

Total weight gain: There is no scale in bed - and after seeing how much more I keep popping - there's no way I'm getting on it this week.  The doc checked it on Monday and didn't say anything to me - so I'm assuming it's all good.

Maternity clothes: I actually haven't bought any new ones this week...first time since week 8!

Stretch marks: Same ones that have been showing up...I keep watching for new ones, but thankfully, they are staying away!

Sleep: Other than strange (and I mean, I should selling them to Hollywood strange) dreams - it's all good lately.  I'm actually even getting some of my energy left.

Best moment of this week: At the ER when the U/S tech told us both babies were okay at the moment - hopefully that's the last visit to the ER for this pregnancy...

Miss anything: I'm dying to get in the pool and swim/float...

Movement: Nope, not yet. I'm excited for it to start happening though.

Food cravings: Cheese & fruit at the moment.  Could be worse, right?

Anything making you queasy or sick: The thought, and look, of meat.  I can get a burger down about once a week - but other than that it all just grosses me out - especially chicken!

Have you started to show yet: I just keep expanding.  

Gender: I've had a feeling it's a b/g combo, and then at the ER the u/s tech said, "I don't know why, but I want to call this one a boy and this one a girl."  I think she was trying to tell us something unofficially.

Labor signs: N/a

Belly button in or out: In - thank goodness!

Wedding rings on or off: I'm going to have to start wearing them on a necklace soon, I fear.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy with little periods where I'm anxious/scared - that mainly happens when I think about the clot.

Looking forward to: Next Monday - I will go in for a follow-up u/s to see what the clot is doing after a week of bedrest.  Hopefully it's disappeared - or at least gotten smaller!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

This might be a bit early...

...but...I think our luck is starting to turn around!!!

After three full days of bedrest - my symptoms are starting to disappear!!!

**UPDATE** It was a bit early...but I'm still excited b/c the symptoms are far less noticeable than they were this weekend.

Bed rest boredom...

How did you find out you were pregnant?  I took roughly 10 to 12 home pregnancy tests throughout 5 days or so.  I just couldn't believe it. 
What kind of Pregnancy test did you take?  EPT, FRER & a generic one from the internet (don't judge...they were cheap and I was convinced I'd believe them).
What were your 1st symptoms?  Exhaustion like I've never known.  Also, the week before the tests I was eating everything in sight - one night I had a loaded foot long sandwich, chips and cookie for dinner and was still hungry!
Who did you tell first?  My husband - at 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning.  He was not excited that I woke him up b/c I was "maybe" pregnant.
Who was with you when you found out?  I was alone and was in complete disbelief after seeing the positive sign.
My 1st reaction:  Take another test, then another, and then finally to wake A up to see if he could see the lines. 
Was your baby planned?  So planned it's not even funny. 
How far were you when you found out?  The first time? 3weeks3days.  When I believed it? 4weeks
How did your parents react? I think my mom knew it was coming - my dad was really happy, but perhaps a bit in shock, he directly went to bed.  
My babies
Due Date:  November 15, 2013 (but they will come earlier than that). 
Do you know the sex?  No, however, I've been thinking it's a boy and girl - and when we were in the ER last weekend the tech said the same thing. 
Any names?  Sure do, but they change slightly from day to day.  No names will be announced until we know the sex. 
Any Ultrasounds?  Five so far.  Two scheduled and 3 that were in relation to the problems baby A is having.  I'll have two more before the month is over.  
Have you heard the heart beat?  Every single time we've had an u/s!  We're very lucky!!
Who do you think it will look like?  Pale, dark curly hair, and sturdy...  
Will the baby have siblings?  Each baby will have the other - but there will be no other siblings being added to this family. 
Have you felt the baby move?  I wish!! Hopefully that happens soon!!
Did you have morning sickness? Not really, I had food aversions - and eating out was hard for a bit b/c of the look of other peoples food - but I never threw up. 
Did you have any cravings?  Yes, started as cupcakes & OJ.  Now it's more cheese & fruit. 
Did you have any mood swings?  Every now and again - but I haven't lost it completely, yet.  I think that might be a movie myth. 
Are you a high risk pregnancy?  Yes.  Twins are automatically classified as high risk. 
Any complications?  Placenta previa & SCH.
Formula or Breastfeeding?  We're going to try to go natural - but I do not have my heart set on it b/c I've read it can be very difficult for twins. 
Have you bought anything for the baby yet?  Yes, some stuffed animals, books and  2 onesies.  
When did you start to show?  10 weeks...I'm a bit nervous to see what I'm going to look like at 20, or even 30, weeks!! 
How long could you wear your regular clothes?  A few weeks only.  I started to bloat really quickly, then it turned all baby and there was no going back. 
Will you keep the baby’s clothes?  We will probably keep key pieces as keepsakes, but not all of them, there are too many babies out there that need clothes - we will donate.  
Home or Hospital?  Hospital - I'd hate to have to clean up after a c-section at the house.  Mess!
Natural or Medicated birth?  Medicated - nobody is cutting into me without a butt-load of drugs! 
Who will be in the delivery room with you?  My husband and the doctors - depending on how early we go there will also be a NICU team waiting for the babies. 
Do you think you will need a C-section?  Absolutely.  With all the reading I've done on the birth of twins - the risk to twin B is just too high.  I also don't want to do a natural birth for one then have to have a c-section for the other.  
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the 1st time?  I don't know.  A lot of women I know said they cried when they saw the baby for the first time, or heard the heartbeat for the first time.  I didn't cry at either of those, so I'm not following the typical pregnant woman protocol.  We'll see - I'll do whatever feels natural.  
What’s the 1st thing you might say to the baby?  "I love you."
Will you let anyone video tape the birth?  No way, what would I do with that? Show it at their first birthday?!
Are you excited?  I'm not excited to give birth (maybe this will change after our birthing classes - it's just the fear of the unknown), but I'm excited to be a mom.  I'm also really nervous.  I'll have two babies at once - while this sounds easier - I think it's going to be harder in a lot of ways! I just want to be a good mom!
Who will help you with the baby after the birth?  Allan will be around - and I hope my mom will be able to stay for awhile - at least until I can lift the babies on my own.  We'll see. 
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?  Knowing that I'm growing life in my body. Which is funny, b/c just a few short weeks ago, this is the exact thing that freaked me out. 
What is the worst thing about being pregnant?  I'm not going to lie - the constant need to be in the bathroom. It's annoying. 
What’s one thing you miss doing since being pregnant?  Exercising & drinking wine. 
Any days you wish you were not pregnant?  Not a one, we worked very hard for this to happen. 
Are you ready for a baby?  Not yet, which I think is just fine, we have 5 more months to be prepared! 
Do you have insurance?  Yes, and thankfully, it's pretty rocking! 
How many kids do you want?  Two - these two.  
Do you talk to the baby?  I talk to them at night - I reassure them that my body is trying to heal the problem and encourage them to keep growing and becoming strong babies so we have the best chance possible! 
Do you still feel attractive?  Not always.  I think I do a really good job of embracing my bump - but there are times that I look in the mirror and think, "Ohhhh nooooo..." but then Allan reminds me that he thinks I'm beautiful and I'm growing two babies - I'm supposed to look like this! I love him!
Do you like kids?  Uh, yeah, why else would I have two of my own!?  I also work with young children - who I can't get enough of.  Kids, literally, are my life.  
How far along are you now?  14 weeks on Friday!!! 
13w5d - On bed rest, but the doctor
okayed a shower every other day
"or so."...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Subchorionic Hematoma, Placenta Previa and Bedrest...oh my!

This post might not be for everybody.  I will go in to some detail about what is going on b/c I want to document everything with this pregnancy, not just the fun happy stuff!  If you are easily upset or don't like a lot of medical talk, please skip this post!! 

What a week.

As you all know I was in the ER last Sunday with a scare - the doctors told me that it was a placental abruption, to take it easy, and if the bleeding returned to come back.

Well, after a week of light activity and bedrest mostly in the evening, the bleeding was back in full force on Saturday. I freaked.  As a matter of fact, as soon as I saw it, I almost passed out.  Luckily A was calm and as soon as I told him said, "We're going to the ER."  The doctors there were not as nice as the ones on Sunday -they kept saying, "Well, you were here on Sunday..." Yep, and I'm back - get over it.   After another 4 hours there was saw healthy babies - but also a big "mass".  They said there was nothing they could do, that I might miscarry, and only come back if I was losing so much blood I was in risk.  Thanks.

I called my OB this morning, described what was going on, and they had me in within an hour of calling.  I met with a doctor (not my own) that I really trust and have a good relationship with already.  He was so kind and reassuring.  I told him what the ER said/did and he just said he was sorry.  I don't know why, but it made me feel better.

On to the good stuff.  Both babies are measuring exactly on track: 13w3d.  They were both moving around, which was good to see b/c at both ER visits they were really still, and both had strong heartbeats.  He said all of these were good signs.  Then he got to the serious stuff.  Baby A has subchorionic hematoma and placenta previa.  Poor bub!!  Here's what I've found:

Subchorionic Hematoma:
Not my U/S, but one I found on google that looked very
similar to the one I had this morning.  
  • SCH or Subchorionic Hematoma is a gathering of blood between the membranes of the placenta and the uterus
  • There is no known cause for a SCH but many researchers speculate that during egg implantation, the egg slightly separates or tears from the uterus causing a bleed. There is nothing a woman did or could have done to cause or prevent them.
  • 1% of women will experience this in pregnancy. 
  • The current statistics for pregnancy loss with a SCH is 1-3%. This low percentage is related to large clots. Most pregnancies progress with no further complications. Most clots resolve on their own by 20 weeks of pregnancy.
  • SCH is a risk early in pregnancy because the clot itself can cause a miscarriage. The clot can release completely from the uterus and cause the fetus and placenta to miscarry.

Placental Previa: (
  • If you have placenta previa, it means that your placenta is lying unusually low in your uterus, next to or covering your cervix.
  • If you're found to have placenta previa early in pregnancy, it's not usually considered a problem. 
  • Only a small percentage of women who have a low-lying placenta or previa detected on an ultrasound before 20 weeks still have it when they deliver their baby.

So, what does this mean for me and the bubs?  It means that while I'm not in the clear, that we at least know what is going on. The doctors have me on bedrest for the next 7 days at which point I will go back in (on Monday) and have another ultrasound to see what type of progress we've made.   Until then, I'm to stay hydrated and in bed as much as possible.  The doctor said that by the looks of the babies today (strong heartbeat, moving around, lots of ambiotic fluid, growing on target) he really thinks the odds are in our favor.  Please, please, please, let the odds be in our favor!!

So, now we wait, but in the meantime we will take as many prayers, thoughts, good juju and positive vibes you have to spare!!

Don't mess with his twins! He's taking this
bedrest thing very seriously!!

It's all business & guarding until you pull out the
Annie's crackers! As you can see - we are
prepped for the week ahead of bedrest! 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Week 13

How far along: 13w0d - SECOND TRIMESTER!!!!!

Total weight gain: I haven't weighed myself since last week - so much going on - but by the picture below, I think it's safe to say I've gained a few pounds!

Maternity clothes: The ones I have are starting to get tight already.  What do I do now!?

Stretch marks: Still there - loud and proud! 

Sleep: It's starting to get better - I was only up once last night.  Of course this makes me worried about dehydration.  I think it's just a sign my UTI medicine is probably working.  

Best moment of this week: At the ER when the U/S tech told us both babies were okay at the moment. 

Miss anything: Gosh, I sound like an alcoholic - but still miss wine.  Also miss moving around so much - after this week I've been on light bedrest and I'm getting sick of just being in bed and at work. I want to go to the pool!

Movement: Nope, not yet.  I guess last week I was just being hopeful!  

Food cravings: Orange juice again, and yogurt.  

Anything making you queasy or sick: Only if I wait too long to eat - then it's all downhill and I have to go back to "sick" food in order to get my stomach to calm down enough to eat real food. 

Have you started to show yet: Even more so, I blew up over night!    

Gender: Still thinking it's a girl/boy combo.  I actually bought two onesies (b/g) yesterday - but from GAP which has an awesome return policy - by the time I know the genders I will still be able to return them!  

Labor signs: N/a   

Belly button in or out: In - thank goodness!

Wedding rings on or off: I'm going to have to start wearing them on a necklace soon, I fear. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Usually very happy, however, I can get really grumpy really fast.  The problem is I know this, and then I try to de-grump myself, that never works and I just get even more grumpy!

Looking forward to: Next Wednesday - I have an U/S appointment to see if the placental abruption is healing itself, getting worse, or staying the same.  Let's pray for healing itself!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I'm braced...

One. More. Day...can't wait to wake up tomorrow morning and be in the second trimester!!!! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Boys or Girls or Both?

Just thought it'd be a bit fun to look at the Old Wive's Tales about pregnancy to see if I can figure out if we are having a boy/girl, girl/girl or boy/boy combo...what do you think?

#1) The heartbeat.  The old saying goes 140+ means it's a girl and 140 or below is a boy.  So far both heartbeats (both times) have been well over 140.  Girls

#2) Craving sweet things? Then you're having a girl.  Craving sour or salty things? Congrats, you're having a boy.  I crave both depending on the time of day. Boy/Girl

#3) The good ol' Chinese birth chart.  I'm not sure if this one works for twins - but if it does then...boys

#4) The draino test: pee in a cup and mix in a drop of draino if it turns green it's a girl, blue it's a boy.  Umm - I'm not doing science experiments with my pee.  Unknown

#5) The Mayan prediction: apparently rumor (or myth) has it that Mayans were able to predict gender based on the age of the mother at conception as well as the year of conception.   If both numbers are even or odd it's a girl.  If one is even and one odd it's a boy.  Boy

#6) Acne or other signs of "the child stealing the beauty from the mother"? Girl.  If not, boy.  I've had insanely dry skin on my face which makes me feel like my beauty has been stolen.  Girl

#7) Tons of morning sickness means a girl is on it's way.  Not much morning sickness means a boy.  Boy

I'm sure there are many, many more.  But, as you can see, we can't really tell a darn thing from this!!! I still say it's a boy/girl combo though!

We have outfits!!

I don't post about him a lot on here, but for those of you who know me on facebook - our cat, Baxter, is a huge part of our lives! I just know Bax is going to adjust and be great with the babies - so I couldn't resist these onesies when I saw them.  And no, I'm not trying to do a gender reveal - we still don't know the genders.  I did buy each onesie twice and we will just return the extra color/s that we don't need when that time comes.  But for now - it's all about the cat!! <3

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday, Funday? Hospital drama...

Well, today did not start the way I would have expected.  Thankfully, it ended better than I thought it would.
Second IV in 3 Days.
I'm becoming a pro even
though I hate them.

Just as a recap, for those who don't know, I was in the infusions center for IV fluids on Friday.  Yesterday (Saturday) I had some light cramping at night but thought nothing of it as my body has been stretching and growing like crazy lately.  Then this morning, I woke up with some bleeding.  WTF?!?! I tried everything I could not to freak out, but of couse, did.  I called my mom and she said to go to the ER - that sounded about right - so I woke the husband up and off we went.

Check out that first number - 117/102.
Yep, this mama was stressed!
After 4 very scary hours there (they forgot to put in the orders for my ultrasound and urine analysis) we had some answers.  1) I was dehydrated so they gave me more fluids (remember Friday? Yeah, I needed more than one bag!).  2) I have a UTI and need antibiotics.  3) Baby A has a placenta abruption.  Yep, that one sounds scary, right?  Well, what it boils down to is that part of that baby's placenta has a small tear in it.  If I take it easy then it will possibly reattach itself, or, fall off and the placenta will replace it.  Now, of course, there are scarier options that can happen but the doctors did not seem too concerned about that if I would just take it easy.  I'm not on bed rest, per se, but I am on super light activity, no lifting and generally just taking it easy when I need to.  I can schedule an u/s again in two weeks (I have one in three though, so I can wait until then too) to check up on the tear and see if it healed itself, which apparently is not unheard of.  So, we will take any thoughts and prayers you have - all four of us - as even though we are still looking at the positive side of things - it's a bit (okay, really) scary!!

Thankfully, I only have 5 more days until I'm in my 2nd trimester and things should start getting easier. Although, as proven in the last 3 days, I don't like to do things the easy way.  Ever.
Even though today was scary, we were able to figure out what was happening before it got worse.  We also got to see our babies again.  The little one on the top right is the one with the placenta abruption.  It was so nice to see them look more baby-like this time - and with strong heartbeats! Come on little ones!! Stay healthy!!