Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My day in GIFs...

I woke up about a million times to go to the bathroom...and then was up on and off from 3a.m. on.  They say this is my body's way of preparing me for nightly feedings.  While I appreciate that my body is helping me adjust - couldn't it wait a few more months?!

I got up and watched TV for a bit and entertained the cat...or annoyed him, depending on who you ask.

Then I watched about 2 hours of Sex & The City...but not the episodes with Big - the ones with Burger.  Oooo how I hate Burger - did anybody actually like him?

I actually think my hormones are kicking in and I got quite emotional today - even when watching S&TC and funny youtube videos.  I didn't cry much - but I did a lot of "I'm gonna make a strange face and breathe through my mouth in order to stop the tears" face making...not cute!  Heck, even Justin can't make it look cute!

I then stuffed my face like I wasn't going to eat.  Ever. Again.  I'm happy to report I'm starting to get my taste for fruits and veggies back - still can't eat chicken - but I try to sneak it in when I can.

I then played video games for an insane amount of time.  It helped pass the time though...

Thankfully I had a lot of text messages and even a few phone calls to break up the day!!

Unfortunately, I'm still bored.  Bored. Bored. Bored...buuuuut - by now it was almost time for the husband to get home!! That's always a highlight of the day!!

Somehow I always forget what  hot mess I am after a day of bed rest - but thankfully he never has a bad reaction when seeing me after work!! Gotta love that guy!!

Unfortunately for me - the husband like to workout - so off to the gym he goes.  So it's Dr. Phil time in hopes that somebody has such a messed up situation that it keeps me entertained for at least an hour...

But it hasn't - and I'm trying not to fall asleep from boredom at 7pm at night and making an entirely sad blog post using GIFs b/c I'm so bored.

And I get to do it all again tomorrow...lucky me!!!

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