Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Boys or Girls or Both?

Just thought it'd be a bit fun to look at the Old Wive's Tales about pregnancy to see if I can figure out if we are having a boy/girl, girl/girl or boy/boy combo...what do you think?

#1) The heartbeat.  The old saying goes 140+ means it's a girl and 140 or below is a boy.  So far both heartbeats (both times) have been well over 140.  Girls

#2) Craving sweet things? Then you're having a girl.  Craving sour or salty things? Congrats, you're having a boy.  I crave both depending on the time of day. Boy/Girl

#3) The good ol' Chinese birth chart.  I'm not sure if this one works for twins - but if it does then...boys

#4) The draino test: pee in a cup and mix in a drop of draino if it turns green it's a girl, blue it's a boy.  Umm - I'm not doing science experiments with my pee.  Unknown

#5) The Mayan prediction: apparently rumor (or myth) has it that Mayans were able to predict gender based on the age of the mother at conception as well as the year of conception.   If both numbers are even or odd it's a girl.  If one is even and one odd it's a boy.  Boy

#6) Acne or other signs of "the child stealing the beauty from the mother"? Girl.  If not, boy.  I've had insanely dry skin on my face which makes me feel like my beauty has been stolen.  Girl

#7) Tons of morning sickness means a girl is on it's way.  Not much morning sickness means a boy.  Boy

I'm sure there are many, many more.  But, as you can see, we can't really tell a darn thing from this!!! I still say it's a boy/girl combo though!

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