Friday, August 2, 2013

25 Weeks...

Back to veggies & fruit for a bit.  It's disappointing, especially this week - the girls are the size of cauliflowers!  Ew - that is such an unattractive food.  

Anyway.  The girls are between 13-14 inches long and at our last MFM appointment weighed in close to 2 lbs!!! Grow, ladies! Grow!  Apparently this week the girls are putting on some weight (fat) and growing more hair.  It's funny b/c I've been wondering what kind of hair they will have lately.  I'm pretty sure they are going to have black, thick, curly hair...but who knows, genes are funny things at times!! Both of the girls have a sense of equilibrium now too - they know which way is up and down.  Well, at least "The Bump" says that...I'm not convinced b/c Z is still head down - which makes no sense.  Why would you willingly hang out upside down?  Anyway - I'm just complaining b/c it's uncomfortable to me.  Whatever works for her - I suppose!

Total weight gain: Another week where I haven't gained weight! Woo! Still hanging out at the 30-35 lbs mark.  Which, is good, b/c I've heard/read that you "blow up" in the last tri.  I can't blow up anymore.  I'm starting to avoid my reflection as is!

Maternity clothes: I took a peek at the fall maternity clothes that were coming out at Target yesterday, and I have to tell you, other than getting a few cardigans or long sleeves, I'm not sure I'll add much more to my collection.

Stretch marks: Still forming new ones every day! They are starting to really pick up speed on my stomach - it's almost like I have stretch marks on top of stretch marks now! It's lovely.

Sleep: These last few days have been a bit rough, but, I'm hoping that passes and I go back to getting some good sleep soon. The good thing is that the girls are sleeping at night now - and before that's when they wanted to be up and kicking.

Best moment of this week:
 Seeing the girls - twice!  The coolest was at the MFM - we caught Isla yawning...omg...cutest thing ever!

Miss anything: Walking without waddling! My hips/pelvic bone are in so much pain that I literally waddle everywhere.  I'd like to get my "swag" back...I feel like I'm looking like Honey Boo Boo's mom lately - size wise and waddling wise! Ugh.

Movement: Kicking more and more every day.  In fact, when I started updating this blog Isla was kicking up a storm.  I think she wants breakfast - unfortunately for her I have to wait at least 1/2 hour after waking up to eat - or I get sick.  Lovely.

Food cravings: This week it was an oreo blizzard! Lol Thank goodness I won a free one this week! Allan said the way I reacted he would've though I won a car. Hey, man, cravings are serious business!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken. Still.

Have you started to show yet: You read that I felt like I was the size of Honey Boo Boo's mom, right?
Gender: Twice the serving of Sugar & Spice!

Labor signs: Thankfully, it was another quiet week!

Belly button in or out: In!!!! Still so excited!!

Wedding rings on or off: Off - and have been for awhile, however, I had a little pregnancy moment yesterday and teared up over the fact I can't wear them on my finger.

Mood most of the time: I was finally back to being in an all around happy mood all week!

Looking forward to: Getting the nursery stuff in order.  Our mattresses were delivered yesterday, the cribs and changer are to come soon, and I bought some other random things yesterday.  I'm hoping to start seeing that room come together a bit more. 

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