Monday, August 12, 2013

Types of Twins

Before I was thrown into the crazy world of twins - I thought there were only two kinds: Identical and fraternal (not identical).  I had no idea that there were actually four different types of twins - I've read and read about it and it never really makes all that much sense to me.  But I finally stumbled upon this nice visual - and it helped me to see the difference between types of twins.  

As of right now, we are assuming the girls are Dichorionic/Diamniotic twins, aka, fraternal twins.  There is a very, very small chance that they are actually going to share the same DNA and be identical twins - but we will only know that after they are born.  For now, we always say "fraternal twins" when people ask...because that's all we know.  However, both Allan and I have agreed that if the girls look enough alike to even consider entertaining the idea that they are identical, we will have the girls take a DNA test.  Why - what difference will it make?  To us, it makes no difference - we are happy to have two healthy and happy babies - but if there were to be a medical problem that arises, God forbid, we would have that information handy instead of having to send it off and wait 9-10 days for the results before moving forward with a treatment option.  

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