Friday, August 30, 2013

Week 29...

It's the last week in my 20s...and much like the last week in my 20s age wise, where I could be found complaining, grumping and trying to be comfortable in my skin, not much has changed.

I'm uncomfortable this week and I've found about a million and two things to complain about.  I'm a real peach these days.  At least, I can recognize this fact!  I'm trying to keep it to a minimum - but my hips are in so much pain and my stomach is growing and growing and it's now gotten to the point it's making me hot and sweaty to just blink!  Enough about me though!!

The girls are doing great! They are weighing in just over 3 lbs each and roughly 17 inches long.   The MFM (high risk) doctor said that their length will start to slow down and their bodies will start focusing on gaining weight now.  This is a good thing as week 28-29 is when twins start falling behind singletons in size/weight gain.  So, fingers crossed they gain an insane amount of weight between now and our next measuring appointment!! Week also 29 means that they are roughly the size of an Acorn  The girls, if they were singletons would start running out of room this week - so you can only imagine what it's like in there to share the space meant for one.  They are also hiccuping this week - I actually saw it on my u/s at the MFM's - it was the cutest thing ever!!

Total weight gain: I can't do it.  I just can't look.  However, the doctor did make the comment that my weight gain is right where she wants it to be and that I'm doing an "awesome job" and to "keep it up".  She also assured me a lot of my weight gain looked like fluid (b/c I'm puffy) and not to worry about it -that I will lose that quickly after birth.

Maternity clothes: I haven't added anything new to the inventory - but I think I might have to order some cardigans soon - you'll understand after reading the next question.

Stretch marks: OMG! They are insane.  Not only do I have them covering my belly, hips, thighs and chest - I've also found some on the underside of my ARMS...WHAT?! Nobody, I repeat nobody, told me I'd get them on my arms.  I had a minor meltdown about this - but quickly pulled it together when I realized it was because I was pregnant - with two babies!! While I'm much more at peace with the marks now - I still want to cover them up so I'm going to stock up on a few 3/4 length cardigans to start hiding them.

Sleep: I don't even remember what this word really means.  No, seriously.  I've even resorted to taking Tylenol PM (suggested by my OB) to help with sleep b/c at this point it's healthier for the babies if I can sleep, even aided, than not.  Even with taking the Tylenol PM I'm only getting 2-3 hour stretches of sleep at a time.  I can only take it every other day - so on the days that I don't take it I get about 45 minutes to an hour of sleep.

Best moment of this week: My coworkers threw me a surprise baby shower at work on Wednesday! I was not expecting it at all - in fact - I was tricked into thinking it was a very serious meeting.  I can't wait to tell the girls about it one day!! They were amazing and decorated, brought delicious food and gifted us with amazing gifts to help with the girls.  I feel so lucky to be working where I am - with such amazing people.

Miss anything: Above all else - sleep!

Movement: I still feel them the most right before I fall asleep, or if/when I get up in the night time, but I'm also starting to feel them after eating food.  If I am sitting still and paying attention about 1/2 hour after I eat I will feel them highland dancing in there!

Food cravings: Chicken pot pie.

Anything making you queasy or sick: You know, I think I'm starting to get morning sickness back.  In the mornings the only thing I can stomach is yogurt - then an hour later I am dying for a muffin or pastry.  That's got to change! Breakfast used to be my high protein meal of the day - I just can't eat eggs right now!! So, no eggs and no chicken.  Boo!!

Have you started to show yet: Allan and I actually measured my belly today.  I'm currently 4 ft 3 inches around (measuring right over the belly button).  Allan pointed out that by the end of this I might be as big around as I am tall.  He's pretty sweet, huh? ;)

Gender: The doctor did actually confirm they were both still girls this week - to which I said: "Good, otherwise they'd be boys dressed in a lot of pink until they were 6 months old!!"

Labor signs: No, but both doctors seemed to by impressed about this, so it makes wonder if it's something that will start soon. I hope not!

Belly button in or out: It's hanging in there as an innie!!! But, I will admit it's getting shallower by the day...

Wedding rings on or off: Off - but on a necklace around my neck :)

Mood most of the time: Self admittedly grump.  Allan has been a sport about my grump though - he's such a good guy! I'm hoping some of this pain/discomfort goes away AND I can get more sleep so that I can return to being a normal person!

Looking forward to: Ordering more stuff for the nursery at the beginning of next month.  All of the decorating has been sorted - we need to focus on the safety/health of the babies this month.  

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