Friday, June 14, 2013

Week 18

How far along: 18w0 days - the babies are the size of sweet potatoes! They are able to swallow, suck their thumbs and hiccup now! They are also getting strong enough that I should be able to feel them! I'm going t link you to my favorite pregnancy blog that puts week 18 in really good (sarcastic) perspective: Week 18 as told by The Pregnant Chicken.

Total weight gain: Probably a lot - my stomach is huge! I can't even see my feet anymore!

Maternity clothesI've really calmed down on my maternity clothing purchases! Instead, I've opted to start buying baby clothes...I have a feeling that I'll need to buy more things for myself again in the near future though.

Stretch marks: They've stayed only on my stomach - in 5 awesome tiger stripes...RAWR!

Sleep: I have "pregnant insomnia" right now. No matter how tired I am I can't sleep - I toss and turn. It's, it's not. I'm exhausted!!

Best moment of this week: I used my Belly Buds (headphones for your stomach for the babies to listen to music) for the first time! It was way cool!

Miss anythingSleep!!

Movement: I don't know. At night I think I can feel little flutters right as I lay down - but I don't feel anything else all day. Who knows - for now it's definitely not a "Oh, that's a baby!" feeling. 

Food cravings: 'Nilla wafers...

Anything making you queasy or sickMeat still - although it's more on and off at the moment, so when I do want it I make sure to eat it!

Have you started to show yet: Yep, I look quite a bit further along than just 18 weeks if I were having a singleton.

Gender3 different people (2 doctors and one tech) said 2 girls - but I keep having dreams there is a boy in there...guess we'll get our final confirmation on at our A/S

Labor signs: Nope - not even BH anymore!

Belly button in or outIn - but more shallow. Please, please, please stay in!

Wedding rings on or offOff - they are on a necklace at the moment.

Mood most of the time: Content <3

Looking forward to: Our MFM (high risk doctor) appointment on the 26th to see the girls again, learn if they are healthy, and get a bit more information on the remainder of the pregnancy.

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