Thursday, June 13, 2013

How do you have twins!?

There is a very strange fascination with having twins; I didn't realize this until I was pregnant with twins myself.  People want to know every aspect of a twin pregnancy and from what I can tell from my friends who have twins already - the fascination continues.  I don't mind it (most of the time) because I like to overshare - I'm an open book and I like my friends and family to feel comfortable asking questions.  I even like being on forums where I can give other people my point of view on things...but sometimes, on those forums, you get some real nutters!

Today there was one that just had me shaking my head (and it's a comment I've heard multiple times in the last 18 weeks) - it's on a forum specifically for mothers (or mothers-to-be) of multiples.  I'll paraphrase most of her post for you:

"Like, OMG, hi guys! I really want twins! I've read if you are breastfeeding your more likely to have twins - I'm breastfeeding! I so hope I get girl/girl twins b/c I really want them!!! But, I've read that you're more likely to have boy/boy twins while breastfeeding. Boo! What do you guys think!?"

Umm...what do I think? I think you're an idiot.  Okay, well, I didn't say that, but I did post this GIF (I'm in love with GIFs lately). 

I mean, really? I couldn't even warrant that with a response.  It's been an hour or so since I replied and I just can't stop thinking about this woman.  I suppose that the general public does not understand what a twin pregnancy entails.  It's not something you wish for.  

Don't get me wrong, I'm so incredibly thrilled that we are having twins and I wouldn't have it any other way now that I'm over the shock of it.  But it's hard.  No, I'm not saying that a singleton pregnancy is easy by any means - but there are many complications that can arise just from the mere fact there are two babies in there instead of one - and from the get-go a twin pregnancy is considered a high risk pregnancy.  

Now, now, don't get your tissues out for me quite yet.  I'm not looking for anybody to "oooh, poor thing" me.  I'm just wondering why you would wish for a high risk pregnancy?  It's not only high risk for the babies you are carrying, but it's high risk for the mother as well.  There is just so much that can go wrong at any moment in time.  Not to mention all of the time you have to spend in and out of hospitals, doctors offices, and u/s tech's offices just to make sure you and the babies are safe.  It's exhausting - physically and mentally to keep having people tell you what you're doing is so risky!! 

Anyway.  This is about the only thing that really gets under my skin. Well, that and "Two girls are great, but woudn't it have been cool to have one of each?"  What!? These babies are miracles - leave them alone!!!  

Okay...BSC pregnant lady rant over...thanks for making it this far...if you did ;) 

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