Wednesday, June 19, 2013

7 days...

I know, I know, it's hard to believe but in just 7 short days I will finally get to see my Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) doctor, aka, the high risk doc.  My OB's office has been taking such good care of me, and they are so wonderful about getting me in on a moment's notice, however, the further along I am with twins, the further out of their realm I think I get.  They don't specialize in twins - the MFM does.

I'm not sure how I'm feeling about this appointment.  I'm really excited to see the girls again (and make sure they are still girls - I keep having dreams that I have a boy/girl combo) and all -but I'm also really nervous.  This appointment is usually classified as the "anatomy scan," but really, it's so much more.  They measure everything from the heart to lungs and other organs to the size of the head and the spine. Because we turned down the NT Scan (early scan in pregnancy that detects any possible defects - but often gives false positives for twins) we don't know if we have any markers for anything.  We will find out, at this appointment, if the twins are healthy or if there are concerns.  That's so much pressure!!

Allan keeps telling me everything is okay - and honestly - I don't have any feeling to think otherwise - so I'm staying as positive as possible about it all.  It's just in the back of my mind.  I just want to see them again - see them moving and know it's all okay.  I was spoiled at the beginning of my pregnancy, if you can call it that, because I had so many u/s.  Actually, from week 10-15 I had one every week due to the complications I was having.  So I knew they were okay - I saw their hearts beat and their little legs and arms swimming around.  It's now been 3 weeks since I've last seen them and it will be one more week until I see them again...and time is draaaaaaaaging!!

Oh well - we'll hang in there and stay positive!! 7 days  should fly by if I can keep myself busy enough!!

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