Friday, September 27, 2013

What did you just say?

Listen, I don't leave the house much anymore due to this whole bed rest thing, but when I do leave for a doctor's appointment I always get the strangest looks and/or comments.

This weeks comments/questions took the cake - and I haven't been able to stop thinking about them.

1) Twins!? Wow, congratulations - are they natural? Umm - as opposed to what, fake/artificial babies?  I hate this question.  I know exactly what you are asking - you want to know if we used fertility treatments to conceive our children.  Well, perfect stranger, if you tell me how you conceived your children then I'll tell you.  No, really, this is SUCH a rude question.  If I haven't offered up the info then it's not something I want to discuss in the current setting because typically you are asking me this question in the line at the pharmacy, over breakfast, in line checking out somewhere, etc.  All very public places with lots of ears - again, I'm not asking you how you got pregnant in these situations!

2) You know, I read this article about a mom who was having multiples.  She lost two of them right before she gave birth and then the last one died within 24 hours of her giving birth.  Really, tell me more about how scary it is to be a mom of multiples and all the risks that go along with it - that doesn't terrify me at all.  Especially now that I'm so close to giving birth!! I'm not quite sure what the point of sharing that story with me was - and at the time I was in such shock that all I could say was, "Oh, that's really sad."  But, it's been almost a week since I was told this story and I can't get it out of my head.  Thanks, woman - you just turned an already scary thing (giving birth, having twins, etc) into something out of a Stephen King novel.

3) Are you sure you aren't about to go into labor?!  I usually get this once somebody looks at me, horrified by my size and then fixes their face to show concern and not horror.  No, no I'm not sure I'm not going to go into labor.  Nobody ever is - it could happen at any moment, really.  But, the chances are pretty small and if I had any inkling that it were to happen soon I wouldn't be standing in line getting a drink on my way to my doctors appointment - I'd be, oh you know, with my doctor at the hospital! I want to deliver my children at a gas station much less than you want me to.  Thanks.  

Listen, I get it. Twins are really cool.  And, I'm just as fascinated by them as anybody else!! I totally get it - all I'm saying is, there is a time and place to ask questions or tell stories.

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