Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 33 with twins!

We've made it another week! We are now rocking out in week 33 - and the girls are doing a great job.  Apparently, this week, they are the equivalent to the size of durians...whatever the heck those are!! I feel like The Bump must be either a) running out of healthy food to compare babies to at this this point or, b) trying to add some diversity in the mix to be all PC.  Either way, I still have no reference as to what a darn durian is.

All of that said, we do know the girls weight 5lbs & 5lbs4oz now.  So I'm going to say they look more like kittens.  Maybe 6 month old kittens - b/c that's a reference everybody can use, right?  They are gaining about 1/2 lbs a week from here on out and apparently this is the last week that they'll really put on any length (possibly up to an entire inch!).  My guess is that our girls have probably maxed out in the length area already as neither Allan or I are all that tall.  The girls bodies are also starting to work on building an immune system and we are now sharing antibodies to help develop that.  The girls have started keeping their eyes open when they are awake and have also begun to coordinate how to suck and breathe so that they can do those things on the outside.  Bones are starting to get nice and hard and their brains continue to develop...come on girls - I wouldn't be mad if one of you were the president, surgeon, or something equally as impressive...

Total weight gain: I looked - 60 LBS as of now...not too bad considering there is 11 lbs of baby in there!

Maternity clothes: I ordered my very last maternity item the other day - it was a hoodie.  I have tons of tanks, but no hoodies, and I would like one to cuddle up in...and to wear at the hospital. 

Stretch marks: Still growing.  Now, my belly is so stretched that it's also got thick blue veins showing! Awesome!

Sleep: Still sleeping 1-2 hours. I'm so uncomfortable.  And, when I do actually find a comfortable position, I have to get up to pee.  I have, however, been having this reoccurring dream that we are having triplets and the doctors have just missed seeing one of the babies.   As excited/happy I am to have twins - I do not know how I'd cope with triplets, so hopefully this is not true!! 

Best moment of this week: Seeing the girls - nothing ever tops that! 

Miss anything: Being comfortable doing anything - seriously, I'd love to lay down and be comfortable, or walk and not feel like my spine is being crushed. 

Movement: Movin' & groovin'!! These girls are all over the place, which continues to shock the doctor b/c at this point they should really be running out of room.  

Food cravings: Chocolate...mmmmm!!!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Thankfully, I'm still able to eat whatever I want!! I'm hoping this stays the same until the end.  It's nice to eat chicken again!

Have you started to show yet: I'm to the point that now when people see me they look at me with a bit of terror first - then they pull it together and immediately ask if I'm "about to go at any moment". I'm obscenely pregnant. 

Labor signs: I've been having some contractions on and off and something the nurse referred to as "false back labor".  

Belly button in or out: It's in - it's shallow - and it's gross to look at! 

Wedding rings on or off: So, so off.  My fingers are the size of sausages...

Mood most of the time: I think I'll stick with bored-happy.  I've now been on bed rest for 3 weeks - so my brain is slowly turning to mush.  However, I'm happy because there looks like there might be an end and sight, and regardless, the girls are doing SO well in there - I really couldn't ask for more. 

Looking forward to: My appointment next Tuesday.  We'll know more of a game plan that week as far as how things are going to go down.  It's strange to think there is a possibility that 2 weeks (14 days!!) from now Allan and I could actually be holding our babies!!!! Crazy!!

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