Friday, July 19, 2013

Week 23

23 weeks today!! I cannot believe how fast time is going by.  If all goes as planned that means I have 13-14 more weeks, or, less than 100 days until the girls are here.  Crazy!! I can't even wrap my head around that!! I now have 7 days until Viability Day and only 4 weeks until my 3rd trimester! I know, I know, I'm getting ahead of myself.  So, remember how I was all, "I'm so sick of the fruit, blah, blah, blah?"  Well, The Pregnant Chicken doesn't measure the baby for week 23 -she only talks about gestational diabetes.  Ugh. So back to the fruit.  The girls are now the size of grapefruits.  They are about 10.5-11.8 inches long from head to rump.  Their faces are fully formed now, but still need to fatten up a bit.  Both girls are now listening to me talk and can even hear loud outside noises such as dogs barking and an ambulance going by!

Total weight gain: I think I'm still hanging on around that 30-35 mark.  I'm slightly freaked about the weight gain (more about how I'm going to lose it) but everybody keeps telling me it's normal.  So I'm just trying to go with it at this point.

Maternity clothes: Target's clothes fit SO much better! I've been rocking my new outfits all week and loving them.  The only problem is, I'm missing pants right about now.  I only really fit into skirts and dresses at this point - but it'd be nice to just be able to throw on a pair of jeans and a tank today.  Not going to happen (although now I might give it a try) though.  Boo!

Stretch marks: Sure thing.  I'm also adjusting to those - as people keep saying, "they're supposed to happen" or "Oh, that's normal!"

Sleep: Crazy pregnancy dreams are back in full force.  Example? Last night I had a dream I was part of a pregnancy prostitution ring so I could afford to buy the glider I want for the nursery!! Lol Don't worry, a friend came to the rescue and rehabilitated me...but it was so strange!

Best moment of this week: I got to see both girls move and kick around on Tuesday.  Wish they would've shown me their faces, but, we'll try that again on the 31st.

Miss anything: Being able to move without hurting.  Oh, and also being able to move without rolling myself around - I have to roll to get up from the couch, from the floor with the kiddos and pretty much any other position that requires me to do anything but stand.  I'm pretty much a huge rolly polly bug at this time.

Movement: Finally!! I can feel both girls at night when I lay down now.  I can also feel them after dinner time- the doctor said this is probably b/c I'm relaxed and not doing a million things at once.  Also, Zara loves OJ in the morning - so after a few sips of that I can usually feel her flipping around.

Food cravings: Yogurt and cheese.  I have been eating sweet things more than savory things lately.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken.  Still.

Have you started to show yet: Absolutely.

Gender: Twice the serving of Sugar & Spice!

Labor signs: Thankfully, it was a quiet week!

Belly button in or out: In!!!! So excited!!

Wedding rings on or off: Off - and have been for awhile, however, I had a little pregnancy moment yesterday and teared up over the fact I can't wear them on my finger.

Mood most of the time: I've been really tired this week - and even though I'm happy - it's made me feel like I'm on the verge of tears all day every day.  Fun, eh?

Looking forward to: honestly? The weekend.  I'm SO tired this week - even just walking from my car into work seems like a job.  I'm going to try to catch up on some major rest this weekend.

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