Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We all have a bit of a celebrity complex...figures!

I have a (not so) secret obsession with trashy celebrity magazines.  US, OK, Star, you name it - I like it!  Well, I draw the line at the paper ones like The National Enquirer...I'm too classy for those!  Anyway, I never really thought these magazines would harm me in anyway - they were more of a way for me to find out what was happening with my favorite celebrities while giving my brain a break from my real life, hard hitting thinking!

Well, was I ever wrong!  I know, I know, I don't say that often.  You might want to screenshot that!  But not only have the babies started to pick up celebrity-like qualities at such a young age - apparently my body wants to get in on being a celebrity too!

I'll start with the girls update.  Both are doing well, one is weighing in at an astounding 1 lbs, 4 oz.  The other at 1 lbs, 3 oz.  I love how they have only ever been 1 oz off from each other this whole pregnancy!  And for the first time, they are both measuring the exact same: 23 weeks!  So, 3 days ahead of schedule! Good job ladies, just keep on growing like this and we'll be just fine!  This is where the celebrity characteristics kick in - neither girl would show their face...again!  It's been since 16 weeks since I've gotten a good face picture - and that was a profile! I just picture them in there all, "No pictures dahhhhhling!" Fancy babies.  Here - this picture pretty much explains it all! 
Not sure if you can really see what this is - but if you look towards the right, it's the babies head (if you're good you can check out that cute button nose) and then the big thing over her head?  Her fist - covering her face! Seriously!? On the far left the other big white blob is her flexed foot - according to the u/s tech and all that rope-looking stuff is her umbilical cord (gross!).  Anyway, this was better than her sister who buried her face in the placenta (gross again!!) to get away from having her picture taken.  

This was the best photo of the bunch - a picture of Isla's legs and little belly! Looks like she might have some long legs on her! Still, what kind of lady would prefer to show her legs and bum off instead of her face? Following in the steps of Rihanna is not okay there, Isla.  Ever. 

Thankfully both girls have 2 more weeks until their next photo shoot - and I'm going to have many talks with them about actually showing their faces and not other body parts.  I'm glad you have legs, toes, a belly, etc...but I want to see that face! 

So, where does that leave me?  Well, my body has decided to go all Lindsay Lohan - minus the drugs and alcohol.  Think LiLo before she was a hot mess - when she was just admitted to the hospital all the time for dehydration/exhaustion.  That's right - I'm dehydrated!  Grr!! I've been drinking the amount of water that they've told me to - but apparently that's not good enough.  Z & Lala have been sucking the moisture right out of me and now I'm dehydrated.  The doctor now wants me to drink 128 oz (1 gallon!!!) of water a day on top of my Gatorade and juice in the morning.  That's SO much water.  Also, I'm going to be admitted to the Infusion Center tomorrow at the hospital to get 1-2 bags of fluids administered via IV to kick start this hydration process.  Wish me luck. 

Well, after all this drama I'm seriously considering not reading these celebrity rags anymore...oh, who am I kidding! Poor Allan is going to have to put up with living with 3 divas from now on!! ;) I've got to know what's going on with the Kardashian's and Kate M's royal pregnancy!!!! 

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