Sunday, July 14, 2013

True story...

This happens when you're pregnant - and it's not pretty!  Thankfully, b/c I've dealt with being hypoglycemic (opposite of diabetes) since I was very young, eating small meals every 2-3 hours is second-nature to me these days, so the state of "hangry" stays at bay most of the time.  However, when I forget to eat, too busy to eat or just don't feel like eating hangry hits with a vengeance.  Admittedly, I turn into an complete and utter bitch to be around when I'm hangry - and most of the time it happens around Allan, lucky guy.  He innocently will say, "Um, lovey, I think you need to eat something."  That's nice, right?  Well, in my state of hangry this simple sentence sends me into a complete rage!! I get pissed and usually yell, "No I don't - I'm being serious right now - it's not always about food" or some nonsense like that.  But secretly I know he's right so I check myself and get some food.  Within about 5-10 minutes I'm back to my lovely state of just being me and I feel horribly guilty - so I apologize - usually 2-3 times.  Thankfully, I have the most amazing husband and he just laughs it off and accepts the apology.  What a guy!!

The point of all of this?  Don't mess with a pregnant woman when she's hangry - it won't turn out well for any involved!

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