Well, today did not start the way I would have expected. Thankfully, it ended better than I thought it would.
Second IV in 3 Days.
I'm becoming a pro even
though I hate them.
Just as a recap, for those who don't know, I was in the infusions center for IV fluids on Friday. Yesterday (Saturday) I had some light cramping at night but thought nothing of it as my body has been stretching and growing like crazy lately. Then this morning, I woke up with some bleeding. WTF?!?! I tried everything I could not to freak out, but of couse, did. I called my mom and she said to go to the ER - that sounded about right - so I woke the husband up and off we went.
Check out that first number - 117/102.
Yep, this mama was stressed! |
After 4 very scary hours there (they forgot to put in the orders for my ultrasound and urine analysis) we had some answers. 1) I was dehydrated so they gave me more fluids (remember Friday? Yeah, I needed more than one bag!). 2) I have a UTI and need antibiotics. 3) Baby A has a placenta abruption. Yep, that one sounds scary, right? Well, what it boils down to is that part of that baby's placenta has a small tear in it. If I take it easy then it will possibly reattach itself, or, fall off and the placenta will replace it. Now, of course, there are scarier options that can happen but the doctors did not seem too concerned about that if I would just take it easy. I'm not on bed rest, per se, but I am on super light activity, no lifting and generally just taking it easy when I need to. I can schedule an u/s again in two weeks (I have one in three though, so I can wait until then too) to check up on the tear and see if it healed itself, which apparently is not unheard of. So, we will take any thoughts and prayers you have - all four of us - as even though we are still looking at the positive side of things - it's a bit (okay, really) scary!!
Thankfully, I only have 5 more days until I'm in my 2nd trimester and things
should start getting easier. Although, as proven in the last 3 days, I don't like to do things the easy way. Ever.
Even though today was scary, we were able to figure out what was happening before it got worse. We also got to see our babies again. The little one on the top right is the one with the placenta abruption. It was so nice to see them look more baby-like this time - and with strong heartbeats! Come on little ones!! Stay healthy!! |
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