Friday, May 24, 2013

15 weeks!!!

How far along: 15w0d - the bubs are now the size (in length) of oranges!! I'm not sure why but it seems like a really big number and I'm thrilled to be this far along. 

Total weight gain: Still not looking - although I don't think it's too terribly much. 

Maternity clothes: Yes, and I just got some GAP maternity jeans that I'm in love with.  I seriously get why women go on and on about them when pregnant. 

Stretch marks: Same ones that have been showing up...I keep watching for new ones, but thankfully, they are staying away!

Sleep: Waking up to pee and super vivid dreams.  Other than that it's all good! 

Best moment of this week: Probably Monday when I had an u/s to check on the bubs.  Both were okay and flipping around - and the clot hadn't grown!! It didn't shrink either, but hey, at least it didn't grow. 

Miss anything: Leaving the house, working, daily outings - bed rest is not fun!

Movement: I'm not sure.  The last few days there have been a couple of times where I think, "Hmmm - what's that?" It could very well be a baby - but it happens so rarely and for such a short period of time there's no telling really. 

Food cravings: Granny smith apples. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still meat - but I've been able to get chicken in a few times this week! Baby steps...

Have you started to show yet: Absolutely - I put on a non-maternity shirt yesterday and it looked ridiculous and didn't even cover the bottom of my belly!  

Gender: I'm still saying boy/girl - the cool thing? We might find out on Tuesday if I'm right!! The OB said there would be a good chance she might be able to tell...I hope so!! 

Labor signs: N/a 

Belly button in or out: In - but it's not looking as deep as it used to be!

Wedding rings on or off: On - getting harder to turn and such...but I'm not ready to take them off yet. 

Mood most of the time: Anxious. I just want this SCH to clear up so I can go back to doing regular things, not worrying about the babies as much, and enjoy my pregnancy. 

Looking forward to: Seems to be a theme: Next Tuesday (the office is closed on Monday) when we go in for a full OB appt.  I have a lot of questions to bring, we get another U/S (I think she mentioned 3D) and my mom will be there too!! To add to it all - we might actually know the genders at this point!!  Oh, and I think I'll get the green light to set up my MFM (high risk) doctor appointment!  I'm seriously so anxious to get to that doctor with some of my bigger questions! 

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