How did you find out you were pregnant? I took roughly 10 to 12 home pregnancy tests throughout 5 days or so. I just couldn't believe it.
What kind of Pregnancy test did you take? EPT, FRER & a generic one from the internet (don't judge...they were cheap and I was convinced I'd believe them).
What were your 1st symptoms? Exhaustion like I've never known. Also, the week before the tests I was eating everything in sight - one night I had a loaded foot long sandwich, chips and cookie for dinner and was still hungry!
Who did you tell first? My husband - at 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning. He was not excited that I woke him up b/c I was "maybe" pregnant.
Who was with you when you found out? I was alone and was in complete disbelief after seeing the positive sign.
My 1st reaction: Take another test, then another, and then finally to wake A up to see if he could see the lines.
Was your baby planned? So planned it's not even funny.
How far were you when you found out? The first time? 3weeks3days. When I believed it? 4weeks
How did your parents react? I think my mom knew it was coming - my dad was really happy, but perhaps a bit in shock, he directly went to bed.
My babies
Due Date: November 15, 2013 (but they will come earlier than that).
Do you know the sex? No, however, I've been thinking it's a boy and girl - and when we were in the ER last weekend the tech said the same thing.
Any names? Sure do, but they change slightly from day to day. No names will be announced until we know the sex.
Any Ultrasounds? Five so far. Two scheduled and 3 that were in relation to the problems baby A is having. I'll have two more before the month is over.
Have you heard the heart beat? Every single time we've had an u/s! We're very lucky!!
Who do you think it will look like? Pale, dark curly hair, and sturdy...
Will the baby have siblings? Each baby will have the other - but there will be no other siblings being added to this family.
Have you felt the baby move? I wish!! Hopefully that happens soon!!
Did you have morning sickness? Not really, I had food aversions - and eating out was hard for a bit b/c of the look of other peoples food - but I never threw up.
Did you have any cravings? Yes, started as cupcakes & OJ. Now it's more cheese & fruit.
Did you have any mood swings? Every now and again - but I haven't lost it completely, yet. I think that might be a movie myth.
Are you a high risk pregnancy? Yes. Twins are automatically classified as high risk.
Any complications? Placenta previa & SCH.
Formula or Breastfeeding? We're going to try to go natural - but I do not have my heart set on it b/c I've read it can be very difficult for twins.
Have you bought anything for the baby yet? Yes, some stuffed animals, books and 2 onesies.
When did you start to show? 10 weeks...I'm a bit nervous to see what I'm going to look like at 20, or even 30, weeks!!
How long could you wear your regular clothes? A few weeks only. I started to bloat really quickly, then it turned all baby and there was no going back.
Will you keep the baby’s clothes? We will probably keep key pieces as keepsakes, but not all of them, there are too many babies out there that need clothes - we will donate.
Home or Hospital? Hospital - I'd hate to have to clean up after a c-section at the house. Mess!
Natural or Medicated birth? Medicated - nobody is cutting into me without a butt-load of drugs!
Who will be in the delivery room with you? My husband and the doctors - depending on how early we go there will also be a NICU team waiting for the babies.
Do you think you will need a C-section? Absolutely. With all the reading I've done on the birth of twins - the risk to twin B is just too high. I also don't want to do a natural birth for one then have to have a c-section for the other.
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the 1st time? I don't know. A lot of women I know said they cried when they saw the baby for the first time, or heard the heartbeat for the first time. I didn't cry at either of those, so I'm not following the typical pregnant woman protocol. We'll see - I'll do whatever feels natural.
What’s the 1st thing you might say to the baby? "I love you."
Will you let anyone video tape the birth? No way, what would I do with that? Show it at their first birthday?!
Are you excited? I'm not excited to give birth (maybe this will change after our birthing classes - it's just the fear of the unknown), but I'm excited to be a mom. I'm also really nervous. I'll have two babies at once - while this sounds easier - I think it's going to be harder in a lot of ways! I just want to be a good mom!
Who will help you with the baby after the birth? Allan will be around - and I hope my mom will be able to stay for awhile - at least until I can lift the babies on my own. We'll see.
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant? Knowing that I'm growing life in my body. Which is funny, b/c just a few short weeks ago, this is the exact thing that freaked me out.
What is the worst thing about being pregnant? I'm not going to lie - the constant need to be in the bathroom. It's annoying.
What’s one thing you miss doing since being pregnant? Exercising & drinking wine.
Any days you wish you were not pregnant? Not a one, we worked very hard for this to happen.
Are you ready for a baby? Not yet, which I think is just fine, we have 5 more months to be prepared!
Do you have insurance? Yes, and thankfully, it's pretty rocking!
How many kids do you want? Two - these two.
Do you talk to the baby? I talk to them at night - I reassure them that my body is trying to heal the problem and encourage them to keep growing and becoming strong babies so we have the best chance possible!
Do you still feel attractive? Not always. I think I do a really good job of embracing my bump - but there are times that I look in the mirror and think, "Ohhhh nooooo..." but then Allan reminds me that he thinks I'm beautiful and I'm growing two babies - I'm supposed to look like this! I love him!
Do you like kids? Uh, yeah, why else would I have two of my own!? I also work with young children - who I can't get enough of. Kids, literally, are my life.
How far along are you now? 14 weeks on Friday!!!
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13w5d - On bed rest, but the doctor okayed a shower every other day "or so."... |
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