How far along: 12w0d
Total weight gain: I finally looked - I've gained 5 lbs! That might sound like a lot but the doctor wanted me to gain between 4-6 lbs in the first trimester. From here on out I have to get better at watching my weight every week because I am supposed to gain 1.5-2 lbs a week!! That's a lot, but, if it helps these babies to grow and be healthy I'm going to do it!
Maternity clothes: Oh please! There's no way I couldn't be wearing them! Although, this week I have felt I look more fat than pregnant.
Stretch marks: Cue the virtual sniffles! Yes, I have quite a few on the front of my belly. They are small - but purple and very clearly the beginning of something more real.
Sleep: Well, I'm staying up later, usually until 9. But I'm also still waking up at 12:30am, 3:00am and 6:00am like clockwork. The 6:00 one isn't bad until it's the weekend - then it makes me want to cry!
Best moment of this week: I got a shipment of maternity clothes from ON for %30 off!! My closet is growing!
Miss anything: Same things - exercise and wine. Not together though.
Movement: I thought I felt a baby move earlier this week, and then again last night, but I'm not convinced that's really what it was.
Food cravings: Nothing really other than cake.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Every now and again I'll get a wave of nausea - usually early in the morning or late at night.
Have you started to show yet: Yes, I'll try to get a picture of it once I'm ready for work.
Gender: No - but I had my first "gender dream" last night - of course I was having a boy and girl in the dream - so I'm not sure if it's a sign or if it's just my subconscious b/c that's what I've been saying it was for a few weeks.
Labor signs: N/a
Belly button in or out: In - thank goodness!
Wedding rings on or off: Getting tighter and tighter.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy for most of the time, however, the "moodY" has kicked in a bit more this week than it has in the past.
Looking forward to: Next Thursday - my last day of the first trimester!! WOOHOO!!
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