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My ticker on The Bump - it changes fruit each Friday. We've made it to LEMON status!! |
Total weight gain: There is no scale in bed - and after seeing how much more I keep popping - there's no way I'm getting on it this week. The doc checked it on Monday and didn't say anything to me - so I'm assuming it's all good.
Maternity clothes: I actually haven't bought any new ones this week...first time since week 8!
Stretch marks: Same ones that have been showing up...I keep watching for new ones, but thankfully, they are staying away!
Sleep: Other than strange (and I mean, I should selling them to Hollywood strange) dreams - it's all good lately. I'm actually even getting some of my energy left.
Best moment of this week: At the ER when the U/S tech told us both babies were okay at the moment - hopefully that's the last visit to the ER for this pregnancy...
Miss anything: I'm dying to get in the pool and swim/float...
Movement: Nope, not yet. I'm excited for it to start happening though.
Food cravings: Cheese & fruit at the moment. Could be worse, right?
Anything making you queasy or sick: The thought, and look, of meat. I can get a burger down about once a week - but other than that it all just grosses me out - especially chicken!
Have you started to show yet: I just keep expanding.
Gender: I've had a feeling it's a b/g combo, and then at the ER the u/s tech said, "I don't know why, but I want to call this one a boy and this one a girl." I think she was trying to tell us something unofficially.
Labor signs: N/a
Belly button in or out: In - thank goodness!
Wedding rings on or off: I'm going to have to start wearing them on a necklace soon, I fear.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy with little periods where I'm anxious/scared - that mainly happens when I think about the clot.
Looking forward to: Next Monday - I will go in for a follow-up u/s to see what the clot is doing after a week of bedrest. Hopefully it's disappeared - or at least gotten smaller!
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