How far along: 8w6d - 9 weeks tomorrow!
Total weight gain: Not checking at this point...
Maternity clothes: Yep, maxi skirts and dresses mostly. I have some maternity tops too as my bump finally popped just enough where my regular shirts were stretching in all the wrong places.
Stretch marks: Nope - although I'm going to pick up some Palmers lotion this weekend at the suggestion of a coworker.
Sleep: Getting up 1-2 times each night to pee - but other than that I'm sleeping like a log. I'm requiring a lot more sleep than usual to function too - 10 hours will cut it but 11-12 is best.
Best moment of this week: Finally feeling like I'm pregnant due to seeing my bump starting to show just a little bit.
Miss anything: Wine - and the ability to eat whatever I want. It's not the restrictions on things that bother me, more the nausea that dictates what I can physically eat w/out getting sick.
Movement: Too early for that just yet.
Food cravings: All of my cravings come and go but so far it has included: Cheeseburgers, sour jelly bellys & sour gummy worms, cake, Dr Pepper (very strange for me) and yogurt.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Yep, depending on the day it could be anything - mostly when the husband cooks steak.
Have you started to show yet: Just a tiny bit.
Gender: It's too early for all of that - but I have a feeling there is at least 1 girl in there.
Labor signs: No - thank goodness.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: Engagement ring on - I changed my wedding band though. My original (which I miss more than anything) was a bit on the tight side to start with - I've thought about sizing it but I don't want to have to size it again after I give birth. My hands and feet are swollen at the moment.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy - I've only been mood a handful of times - and after it passes I try to make my apologies very quickly. I feel so guilty about it!
Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound - it seems like time is just dragging in that respect.
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8 weeks & 3 days |
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