Today I have completed week 10 and I start working on week 11!! The twins are the size of prunes right now! I wish they were likened to something a little bit cuter - but hey, what can you do? The twins are about 1.2 inches long right now - but they will more than double in the next three weeks!! That's a lot of growing!! The two have working arms and according to The Bump they are developing cartilage and bones now! Ohhh - and fingernails and hair have started growing!! Lots going on this week - grow babies, grow!!!
How far along: 10w0d
Total weight gain: Still not looking...
Maternity clothes: Absolutely, my pre-pregnancy pants will slip on but there is no zipping at all!
Stretch marks: Not yet, I bought Burt's Bees Belly Cream though - so I need to start using that just to make sure my skin is ready for the really big growth that's about to happen.
Sleep: Getting up about once a night right now - exhausted all day though.
Best moment of this week: Getting over food poisoning! I was so sick and miserable - and worried for the twins.
Miss anything: Wine - still. Especially when I have a rough day at work - it'd be nice to come home and have a glass of wine. Oh, and exercise! Come on week 14 get here so I can start swimming again!
Movement: Too early for that just yet.
Food cravings: Not this week as I've been so sick.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells in the kitchen - and the smell of socks.
Have you started to show yet: I have a tiny twin bump now!
Gender: I have a feeling we're working with at least one girl in there! I did read that 40% of fraternal twins are boy/girl!!
Labor signs: No way - and I'll take that.
Belly button in or out: In thank goodness!
Wedding rings on or off: Same as last week: Engagement ring on - I changed my wedding band though. My original (which I miss more than anything) was a bit on the tight side to start with - I've thought about sizing it but I don't want to have to size it again after I give birth. My hands and feet are swollen at the moment.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy - I've only been mood a handful of times - and after it passes I try to make my apologies very quickly. I feel so guilty about it!
Looking forward to: TUESDAY!!!!!! It's our first visit with the OBGYN who will be delivering the twins - and we are supposed to get an u/s which thrills me b/c I'm so worried after having food poisoning!!
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10weeks - apparently I need to start working on lighting! |
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