Today the twins have reached new heights! They are no longer referred to as "embryos" but instead have earned the fabulous new status of "fetus"! Way to go bubs! They should each be roughly .9 inches long and weigh roughly .07 ounces. Pretty cool/weird, huh? This week the twins will work on developing the facial features we will all fall in love with as soon as we actually get to see them! The doctors should also be able to find their heartbeats via fetal doppler (you don't even want to know how they had to find it last time!) which will happen on April 23! I can't wait to hear their little hearts again - the first time was such a blur since I had just been told we were having twins and was in shock. I'd like to hear their little hearts and be able to enjoy it this time!
All of this information about the size and what's developing came from
The Bump - so if you'd like to learn more, or see what cool things the twins will be up to in week 10 (or further) feel free to check it out. The site is very informative and the "yuck factor", aka super medical stuff/terms, is kept to a minimum unless you go searching for it!
I couldn't resist... |
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