Saturday, October 19, 2013

Week 1 - the things I've learned...

Well, the girls have been here for a week and a day - and honestly - it feels like they've been here forever - in a really, really good way.  I just do not know how I lived my life/functioned before they were born.  

I'm sure, once things have died down, I will be able to blog/update more.  But for now I'm going to aim for a weekly update, kind of like the weekly pregnancy updates.  I am aiming to do them on Saturdays as Allan will be home and so I'll have some more help than usual, i.e. time to myself.  And by time - I mean 1/2 hour or so! 

So - to start off my weekly updates -here at the things I've learned the first week of being a mom: 

My  learning begins...not that I'd rec trying to get in
the NICU  - I can't thank that staff enough for all they
thought me on top of looking after my girls. 
1)  You cannot plan anything.  I was sure that we were going to use a certain bottle, formula, diapers, etc.  I bought tons of bottles (enough for a days worth) but thankfully held of on buying the formula.  Well, the girls had different plans. Neither of the girls liked the formula I picked out- they'd go on lock down and not open their mouths.  The bottles we were using made them cough, throw up and cry.  So, we switched to a different formula & different bottles - and you know what - now they are eating like champs.  Now I have a bunch of ultra expensive bottles in a plastic bag in storage...ugh!

2) Babies are scary!! Not in the way I thought they were before I had children - but in a very serious, "Omg - things just got real and I'm responsible for your life" kind of way.  A few examples: first, when I couldn't get them to eat.  If they didn't eat they'd go back to NICU for a few weeks.  Then there was the time La decided to throw up in the crib, on her back and our her mouth & nose.  I could've sworn she stopped breathing.  That's when I learned what a set of lungs that girl has.  During bath time I accidentally got water in her mouth (Allan and I joke that I water boarded her) when I had her under the water and she reached out and pull the hot water on.  I was so worried that she'd scold her body that I pulled her out, directly under the facet, and got water in her mouth. Another time was last night when Lady  La decided she was going to have a two hour - yes, TWO hour fit!  She cried and screamed for two hours.  He body went stiff as a board, legs straight out, screaming and yelling.  I was so very close to calling her doctor at 2am, in tears, to beg him to tell me what to do.  Then I calmed myself down and assessed the situation even though I could hardly think with all of the blood-curdling cries.  I changed her diaper, burped her and then soothed her while she was in the work!! She slept for 3.5 hours (1/2 hour more than she's supposed to).  

3) You are going to have to give Nancy Drew a run for her money when it comes to being a mom.  It's all guess work, assessing signals and signs that aren't verbal and keep calm until you find a clue as to what could be bothering your baby.  And you know what, when you have two babies at once, that's hard work!! In the last few days I've learned to keep myself calm when they freak so that I can try to figure the situation out.   At first - I'd just cry with them!

4) I can function on less than 9 hours of sleep.  Prior to having kids I thought that my body needed 9 hours of sleep minimum to function.  Right now I'm running on 6 hours.  I get two hours between each night feeding - and it seems to be working.  I do, however, usually take a nap in the afternoon for an hour or so.  

5) Newborn baby clothes are insanely hard to find - I have a mix match of onesies, pants and hats - I don't want to buy more than I have right now b/c I think they will be growing out of them quickly.  Thank goodness Kourtney Kardashian claimed that mixing patters was "hot" this season.  That and the girls and I are staying inside for the unforeseeable future so they can develop their lungs & immune system.  Otherwise, I'd be thoroughly embarrassed. 

6) It just boggles my mind how people lived without baby monitors & snuzzas.  I'd lose my head if I didn't have them both - I'd be constantly worried that something was wrong - I'd never, ever sleep. Ever. (This also relates to #1 b/c I swore I'd never ever have a baby sanity couldn't handle more than one night w/out one!).  

Well, that's about it for y learning this week - I think.  I'm sure I've learned things I can't think of - but I don't have time (or the mental energy) to dig into the good ol' memory banks as I only have 10 more minutes before the next feeding....

Until next time! <3

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