**Warning** This is quite possibly the last weekly update of this pregnancy. I have it on good authority that we will likely be delivering the girls next week on Thursday evening!!!!
Finally, the Pregnant Chicken is back in action - and I don't have to do another obscure fruit this week!! As the girls are roughly 5lbs this week (mine are a bit ahead of that) PC relates it to carrying around a bag of sugar in your belly. Well, you know the drill by now, since I have twins make that two bags of sugar!! Next time you're in the grocery store, grab two bags of sugar, using a scarf to tie them to your belly, and walk around - you'll get an idea of how I'm feeling these days. Nobody will look at you funny, I promise!! Lol
The big development this week? The girls are starting to recognize songs - TheBump says I should start singing to them. Well, I don't want to torture them already, so I'll be slapping some bellybuds on this week and playing some music. Also, they are beginning to pee up to a pint (again, multiply that by 2!!) of urine a day!! EW!
Total weight gain: I didn't look this week. It's not going to be good, I'm sure.
Maternity clothes: I've been living in yoga pants and tank tops - and my new maternity hoodie which is beyond dirty at this point!!
Stretch marks: The ones ones on my hips are multiplying like rabbits!! Seriously, there are almost as many as on my belly at this point.
Sleep: What, what is that!? Seriously, I'm up about every 45 min to hour. People keep telling me to "enjoy your sleep while you can," but I have no clue what they're referring - at this point there is very little sleep happening.
Best moment of this week: Saw the girls, they are still healthy and we were given a due date!!
Miss anything: Italian sandwich w/ salami!! Mmmm!
Movement: When they do move, it's a lot. But they've really started to slow down in movement throughout the day. It's more in short bursts now. The doctor said this is totally normal as they are now officially running out of room.
Food cravings: Chocolate still, which is strange, b/c I'm not really a chocolate person.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week!! Woohoo!!
Have you started to show yet: Measuring at 53 weeks currently...holy moly!
Labor signs: I've been having some contractions and lower back pain - but nothing that can be measured consistently at this point.
Belly button in or out: In - but grossly deformed.
Wedding rings on or off: Off - I still miss them. Can't wait for the swelling to go down (and to lose some of this weight) to wear them again.
Mood most of the time: I'm all over the board this week. I'm happy/bored/anxious/scared/excited/melancholy/etc from one moment to the next.
Looking forward to: Next Thursday - when the girls will finally be here!!!
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