Friday, September 6, 2013

Week 30!! We've come a long way baby(ies)!!

Week 30!! It seems like such a big deal - perhaps it's is!! I'm no longer in my 20s!! Woohooo!! The girls are now roughly the length of a large bag of chips!  Their skin is starting to get nice and smooth (thanks baby fat!) and their brains are starting to really develop!  They are also strong enough now to grip onto a finger and melt hearts!

Total weight gain: I just can't even look anymore.  The doctor has no concerns about it - so I suppose I don't either.  It is what it is and I'm carrying twins - so it's going to be insane at this point.

Maternity clothes: I ordered my last set of maternity clothes - a few more leggings (love them!) and 4 long-sleeved tunic t-shirts.  This will most likely be my uniform until I deliver as I just can't handle being dressed at this point (everything is so confining!).

Stretch marks: Everywhere...seriously! My stomach, hips, chest, legs, thighs, arms, even my knees are covered in them.  I'm thinking of joining a circus side show! ;)

Sleep: I'm not seeing much sleep these days.  Up every 2 hours or so to go to the bathroom and if in that time my brain starts working, well, then I'm up for 2-3 hours trying to get back to sleep.  Fun!

Best moment of this week: I made it through the week without delivering the girls.  Honestly - at this point - that's all I can ask for!

Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach, a nice glass of cold wine after a hard day, hotdogs.

Movement: These girls are acrobats, I tell ya!  They are all over the place kicking, spinning, and playing that my stomach feels like it's constantly moving.

Food cravings: Ice cream :)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken and now eggs too...

Have you started to show yet: Yes, and actually I'm up a full inch from last week - my stomach is now measuring at 4 feet 4 inches.

Gender: Holding strong at two girls!

Labor signs: Started having contractions earlier this week but thankfully have not had any since.

Belly button in or out: In - I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to be lucky enough to keep it in the whole pregnancy?

Wedding rings on or off: Off - but on a necklace around my neck :)

Mood most of the time: The beginning of my week was great - I was happy and energized.  I ended up the week being really tired, mentally drained, and stressed.  Oops!

Looking forward to: Hitting 32 weeks (see previous post)!

Here I am in all my 29w5d glory!!

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