Well, apparently, in my twilight sleep, it made sense to me that a mongoose was under my bed. This didn't freak me out, but the thought of why a mongoose would be there did. Clearly there was also a COBRA under my bed too!!!
So what is a girl to do? I call out for my husband (who was still wide awake watching TV in the living room) to come check under my bed a'la "Are there monsters under my bed?" style. Yep. I was convinced there was a mongoose & cobra fighting it out under my bed an I wanted A to engage as well. I'm smart when I'm sleeping!
All I remember is A asking, "What the hell is a mongoose?!" So explain it to him - "You know, they eat snakes!" Allan just looked at me, "You mean, like the ones that live in India?" Ummm...yeah, I forgot that part in my sleep. Ooops.
Well, thanks for potentially saving my life anyway, Husband. <3
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