The girls are the size of a pineapple this week. They have started to dream and are starting to develop sleep patterns. I can definitely tell a difference in their movement based on these patterns. They are up first thing in the morning, usually around 5:30/6ish for a bit, after every meal, once in the afternoon then usually from 7-8. I stopped feeling them through the night every night. I'm hoping this is a sign they are going to sleep through the night from the beginning...hey, a girl can dream, right?!
They are also starting to detect light (helps in forming sleep patterns. I.e. it's bright "I'm up" it's dark "I'm sleeping". Their little brains are growing rapidly at this point too. They have even developed all five senses! These little girls are almost (well, in 6 weeks) ready to rock! Well done, ladies!
Total weight gain: I looked yesterday. I'm officially up 50 lbs. I was devastated. Allan assured me it did not look like I'd gained that much. That leaves 10 more lbs to gain to be in the weight range my doctor wanted/suggested I gain. The only reason I'm sharing this insane amount is in case other moms of twins come across this page and are feeling upset/sad about their weight gain. Don't worry girl - I'm right there with ya - and as far as I can tell it's normal!
Maternity clothes: I spend my days in tank tops and comfy pants these days. No need to get all dressed up to lay in bed, right?
Stretch marks: Still growing and still getting them. The ones I'm most worried about are still on my arms and legs (um, why do my knees have to be so swollen they get stretch marks!?)...the ones on my belly I knew were going to happen...the others...still in shock!
Sleep: I'm getting between 2 and 3 hour stretches of sleep now - not too bad.
Best moment of this week: I made it through an entire week of bed rest without going mental.
Miss anything: Being able to turn over in bed without waking up and literally having to move my body to do so. I actually think this is why I'm waking up so much sometimes - my body wants to flip but can't unless I put some muscle into moving the belly.
Movement: The girls are still kicking up a storm - but like I said above - it's more on a schedule. I don't mind the kicks and punches, but when one drags her head (or butt) across my belly and it slowly moves - that creeps me out!!!! I wish they didn't do that move!!
Food cravings: I'm just getting back to a normal appetite this week. I was pretty sick/nauseous for about 3-4 days - so no real cravings this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: After the sickness cleared up - not much is making me queasy. I even ate two different meals with chicken in it this week!!!! Sure, they were small amounts of chicken - but I did it!
Have you started to show yet: Seriously thinking of deleting this question. It's impossible to miss me...from a mile away even!
Gender: Holding strong at two girls!
Labor signs: I've only had a few more contractions this week - but it was when I was sick. Nothing recently. Thank goodness!!!
Belly button in or out: In - the belly button Gods are smiling down on me this pregnancy! If I have to get nasty stretch marks it looks like they will let me keep my belly button in!
Wedding rings on or off: Off - not even around my neck at this point b/c they were starting to annoy me on bed rest.
Mood most of the time: This week I started off in a real funk b/c the bed rest thing was new to me. But, since about Tuesday/Wednesday I've been okay. I'd say I'm content but bored.
Looking forward to: Our next u/s, which will be on Tuesday afternoon. And making it to next Friday (32 weeks) so that things would be a bit easier if the girls did decide to make an early appearance. Only 7 more days!!!!
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