Friday, July 26, 2013

Week 24

Well, happy Validity Day to me and the girls!! Glad we've made it this far, but I stand by my earlier post about not finding it a big reason to celebrate other than it's just another milestone that gets us a bit closer to meeting the girls!   The girls are each measuring as long as a footlong sub!  Bet that will make eating your next Subway sandwich a bit more interesting!  This measurement makes perfect sense considering the size of the belly I'm rocking lately!   This week the girl's skin is starting to become more skin-like, meaning it's not transparent anymore and it's starting to gain a pinkish glow to it.  

Total weight gain: Thankfully, I'm the same! Hanging out at the 30-35 pound weight gain.  That makes me happy after such a huge jump in weight!  It now equals to a 1.5lbs gain a week - which is, again, what the doctor wants.  I'm supposed to gain 45-50 by the time this is done...not sure how that's going to make me feel as I'm already feeling huuuuuge! 

Maternity clothes: Thank goodness for leggings and skirts!! I'm living in this combo lately - and have been the most comfortable I've been (clothing wise) the whole pregnancy. 

Stretch marks: They're really building speed now - more (and darker) on my stomach, developing on my hips and thighs.  I'm going to be a mess of purple skin highways scrawled across my body!  It's all worth it though. 

Sleep: I'm sleeping much better than I have in the past.  Only getting up to use the restroom -but even that is happening less and less.  Will I perhaps get a full night's sleep again one day?!

Best moment of this week: Surviving! No, really.  The last few weeks have been really hard for me to make it all the way to Friday b/c I've gotten so tired and achy, but this week we had a day off in the middle (Wednesday) and I'm actually feeling good about finishing out this week! 

Miss anything: Being comfortable.  No matter how I sit/lay I cannot get comfortable.  My back is always hurting - then my hips.  Ugh! I can't wait to be able to just sit down and not ache! 

Movement: They're still moving & grooving! Zara has shockingly been more active this week.  However, when Isla decides to kick/punch you really know it - she's definitely pretty strong at this point!  You can feel her from the outside now (Allan keeps missing it :( ).  Not sure when I'll be able to feel Zara though - she's still really low down! 

Food cravings: Sherbert & 7up

Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken.  Still.

Have you started to show yet: I've got two babies the size of footlong subs in my stomach - of course! 

Gender: Twice the serving of Sugar & Spice!

Labor signs: Thankfully, it was a quiet week!

Belly button in or out: In!!!! Still so excited!!

Wedding rings on or off: Off - and have been for awhile, however, I had a little pregnancy moment yesterday and teared up over the fact I can't wear them on my finger.

Mood most of the time:  This week has been hard.  I think my hormones are playing games with my emotions.  I'm trying to really keep a close eye on it though and make sure that when I do get upset/cry that I turn it around pretty quickly. 

Looking forward to: Next week.  I have two u/s appointments.  One on Tuesday with the OB and then one on Wednesday with the MFM.  Truth be told, I'm more excited for the one on Wednesday b/c Allan will get to go - and the u/s they do is much more in-depth and detailed.  It's only been two weeks, but I'm ready to see the girls again. 

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