Saturday, July 6, 2013

21 weeks!!

Well, we are 21w1d today (sorry, a bit behind on my update!).  The girls are the size of the world's largest gummy bear!!  That doesn't seem so big, but trust me, when they are in your belly - it's quite big! Both of the girls are about 10.5 inches long (from head to rump, so a bit longer if you counted the legs) but, unlike the gummy bear which weighs in a 5 lbs(!!) the girls are only weighing roughly 12.7 ounces. 

Total weight gain: I just can't bring myself to share the number this week! Rest assured tough, my doctor knows and said it was still within range.  Wonder if she's going to take action and tell me how to stop gaining weight before my skin explodes from getting so big!!

Maternity clothes: I had to order some new one this week.  My tee's & tanks are getting too small around the belly - I was having to stretch on them before I could go out in public to make them appropriate.  So, I got ones that have the little tie/cinch around the belly/boob area and then just flow around the belly.  Hoping these work and last the rest of my pregnancy b/c honestly, I don't want any more money going into clothing I won't wear in another year.

Stretch marks: So far they've stayed to just my belly - but I spotted a few forming on my hips the other day.  Awesome.

Sleep:  Sleep is getting SO much better! I get up about once a night and other than that I'm out! Solid, heavy, deep, pregnancy sleep is amazing!

Best moment of this week: My OB appointment.  She was really reassuring that I was doing everything right, having a healthy twin pregnancy, and that the girls were doing what they were supposed to do too: growing! Oh, and my blood pressure has measured "textbook" for the last two weeks!! Finally!

Miss anything: Talking normally.  Seriously, it gets hard to breathe with all this baby in my belly! I'm a fast talker by nature, so I run out of oxygen pretty quickly when talking these days.

Movement: I thought I felt something on July 3rd, but I haven't felt anything since.  I'd really, really like to start feeling movement on a regular basis.  And - I'd like it to be a sure thing! Come on girls, kick me while it's still acceptable!!

Food cravings: Cheesecake.  Strange, I know.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat.  It's an ongoing thing, I think.  Although, I'm able to get beef, pork and brats in - but that doesn't make for a healthy mom!! Wish I could eat chicken again!

Have you started to show yet: I'm measuring at 30 weeks pregnant, so, yes.

Gender: 2 little girls!

Labor signs: Not yet, although there are a few things happening that I "have to keep an eye on" - if they start happening together or with other symptoms it could be a sign of pre-term labor.

Belly button in or out: In, but pretty shallow.  I don't know what I'm going to do when it pops out - the thought alone grosses me out!

Wedding rings on or off: Off - and have been for awhile, however, I had a little pregnancy moment yesterday and teared up over the fact I can't wear them on my finger.

Mood most of the time: I'll admit it, only here - so keep it a secret, I've been kind of emotional this week.  It's hard for me b/c I'm not typically an overly emotional person.  But I think I've either teared up, or had a good all out cry, at least once a day every day this week.  Geesh!

Looking forward to: Feeling movement :)


  1. It's possible your belly button won't pop at all! When I was at my most pregnant with Penny my button was just flush with the rest of my belly. It looked pretty silly but I wouldn't have traded it for an outie :)
    Hang in there, Mama- you're doing great!

    1. Really?! Oh that'd be wonderful if I didn't have an outtie!! Here's hoping!
