Friday, August 30, 2013

Week 29...

It's the last week in my 20s...and much like the last week in my 20s age wise, where I could be found complaining, grumping and trying to be comfortable in my skin, not much has changed.

I'm uncomfortable this week and I've found about a million and two things to complain about.  I'm a real peach these days.  At least, I can recognize this fact!  I'm trying to keep it to a minimum - but my hips are in so much pain and my stomach is growing and growing and it's now gotten to the point it's making me hot and sweaty to just blink!  Enough about me though!!

The girls are doing great! They are weighing in just over 3 lbs each and roughly 17 inches long.   The MFM (high risk) doctor said that their length will start to slow down and their bodies will start focusing on gaining weight now.  This is a good thing as week 28-29 is when twins start falling behind singletons in size/weight gain.  So, fingers crossed they gain an insane amount of weight between now and our next measuring appointment!! Week also 29 means that they are roughly the size of an Acorn  The girls, if they were singletons would start running out of room this week - so you can only imagine what it's like in there to share the space meant for one.  They are also hiccuping this week - I actually saw it on my u/s at the MFM's - it was the cutest thing ever!!

Total weight gain: I can't do it.  I just can't look.  However, the doctor did make the comment that my weight gain is right where she wants it to be and that I'm doing an "awesome job" and to "keep it up".  She also assured me a lot of my weight gain looked like fluid (b/c I'm puffy) and not to worry about it -that I will lose that quickly after birth.

Maternity clothes: I haven't added anything new to the inventory - but I think I might have to order some cardigans soon - you'll understand after reading the next question.

Stretch marks: OMG! They are insane.  Not only do I have them covering my belly, hips, thighs and chest - I've also found some on the underside of my ARMS...WHAT?! Nobody, I repeat nobody, told me I'd get them on my arms.  I had a minor meltdown about this - but quickly pulled it together when I realized it was because I was pregnant - with two babies!! While I'm much more at peace with the marks now - I still want to cover them up so I'm going to stock up on a few 3/4 length cardigans to start hiding them.

Sleep: I don't even remember what this word really means.  No, seriously.  I've even resorted to taking Tylenol PM (suggested by my OB) to help with sleep b/c at this point it's healthier for the babies if I can sleep, even aided, than not.  Even with taking the Tylenol PM I'm only getting 2-3 hour stretches of sleep at a time.  I can only take it every other day - so on the days that I don't take it I get about 45 minutes to an hour of sleep.

Best moment of this week: My coworkers threw me a surprise baby shower at work on Wednesday! I was not expecting it at all - in fact - I was tricked into thinking it was a very serious meeting.  I can't wait to tell the girls about it one day!! They were amazing and decorated, brought delicious food and gifted us with amazing gifts to help with the girls.  I feel so lucky to be working where I am - with such amazing people.

Miss anything: Above all else - sleep!

Movement: I still feel them the most right before I fall asleep, or if/when I get up in the night time, but I'm also starting to feel them after eating food.  If I am sitting still and paying attention about 1/2 hour after I eat I will feel them highland dancing in there!

Food cravings: Chicken pot pie.

Anything making you queasy or sick: You know, I think I'm starting to get morning sickness back.  In the mornings the only thing I can stomach is yogurt - then an hour later I am dying for a muffin or pastry.  That's got to change! Breakfast used to be my high protein meal of the day - I just can't eat eggs right now!! So, no eggs and no chicken.  Boo!!

Have you started to show yet: Allan and I actually measured my belly today.  I'm currently 4 ft 3 inches around (measuring right over the belly button).  Allan pointed out that by the end of this I might be as big around as I am tall.  He's pretty sweet, huh? ;)

Gender: The doctor did actually confirm they were both still girls this week - to which I said: "Good, otherwise they'd be boys dressed in a lot of pink until they were 6 months old!!"

Labor signs: No, but both doctors seemed to by impressed about this, so it makes wonder if it's something that will start soon. I hope not!

Belly button in or out: It's hanging in there as an innie!!! But, I will admit it's getting shallower by the day...

Wedding rings on or off: Off - but on a necklace around my neck :)

Mood most of the time: Self admittedly grump.  Allan has been a sport about my grump though - he's such a good guy! I'm hoping some of this pain/discomfort goes away AND I can get more sleep so that I can return to being a normal person!

Looking forward to: Ordering more stuff for the nursery at the beginning of next month.  All of the decorating has been sorted - we need to focus on the safety/health of the babies this month.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Gestational Diabetes, Breech Babies and more...

Well, these last two days have been a crazy ride!!  I went to my regular OB appointment yesterday and had my gestational diabetes test done.  Apparently we will wait a week before those results - I'm worried but at the same time I'm not, if that makes sense.  Really, there is nothing I can do to prevent it - so it is what it is.  If I do have it then I'll meet with a dietician and follow guidelines that will ensure the babies and I stay nice and healthy.

At this appointment we had an ultrasound, which showed both babies were in the breech position, or for those of you who don't speak OB/baby talk: both were head up.  It was so cute to see them side by side "cuddling".   The doctor also said this is probably why I've been in less pain (pelvic bone) this week.  So all good.  She set a tentative C-Section date of Oct 25th.  I will be 27 weeks by then and she thinks b/c of my borderline blood pressure, my recent swelling and headaches, will need to go then.  We'll see.  She also said she's probably going to put me on bed rest for the last two weeks of pregnancy - so not to be surprised when that happened.  I'm glad she told me that yesterday because I've needed some time to process that information.  I hate bed rest.

So, today we met with the MFM (high risk doctor) who uses a more accurate u/s machine so we got better details.  Zara is weighing in at 3lbs0oz and Isla at a hefty 3lbs3oz!!  Both girls are roughly 17 inches.  The doctor said that the girls both have big heads (74 percentile) and shorter legs (33 percentile) but assured me they were not in danger of being little people.  Also - they are both measuring almost 2 weeks ahead as far as development!!  She said she was very impressed with how healthy they were and how healthy I've been and to keep up the good work!!

So, that's about it.  As usual, one girl would cooperate for pictures and the other wouldn't.  So I've attached a picture of Isla...I just love her little cheeks already!!!

Goodbye Twinlala Facebook...

As of today there will no longer be a Twinlala Facebook page.  There are a few reasons behind this but mainly, I had a lapse in judgement as far as privacy goes.  While this is a public blog, you kind of have to know about it in order to access it.  Parents of children I teach/have taught aren't likely to search the word "Twinlala" in connection to my name and have it pop up.  However, when I post something about the blog via Facebook, and somebody I'm friends with likes it - it pops up on other people's newsfeeds and spreads like wildfire.  Am I putting things on this blog up that others might find offensive? I hope not - as it's related to my babies.  But I suppose I'd like to keep some sense of privacy (even if it's false) to my life.

So, unfortunately, those on my newsfeed who don't want to see baby updates are going to have to suck it up or unsubscribe to my personal newsfeed - because I'll go back to updating it via my personal page.  Thanks to those of you who followed the Twinlala FB page, it was a good thought while it lasted, but it's now time to be shut down!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 28!!

Don't worry - I know babies shouldn't
drink martinis! It's not for them - but
for me after they're born!!  
The girls are now back to being the size of something cool - they are measuring in at roughly 16 inches long (almost the full length they'll be when they're born) and roughly 2.5-3 lbs!! Yep, that's the size of a chihuahua!! Hopefully they don't have those crazy bug eyes & big ears though...This week the girls will be busy putting on fat - so they are starting to chunk up to prep for birth.  Also, their lungs are mature enough now that they'd be able to survive if they were born! Phew!

Also, while I considered myself in the 3rd Trimester last week (as do many resources and doctors) it's official this week! No matter what resource you look at (book, doctor, online, etc) they all agree that week 28 is for sure in the 3rd Tri!!  I'd do a little happy dance but I'm far too tired and uncomfortable!  Guess that's about right for this trimester, from what I hear though!

Total weight gain: Yep, not looking again.  I'm guessing it's not pretty - my stretch marks continue to grow and even Allan makes a daily comment about how, "Wow, you've grown overnight! At least 2-3 inches!!"  Lol We don't have a problem with drama in this house...

Maternity clothes: What would I do without them?!

Stretch marks: See's not cute...

Sleep: Wait, what's that again?!  I'm up roughly every 1.5-2 hours either to pee, in pain or b/c I can't feel my hands (apparently a pregnant thing).  Add to all of that the crazy nightmares I'm having (last night I had a dream Bax jumped off our porch on the 3rd floor to his death - and Allan was in ICU b/c he choked on something...who can sleep through all that drama!?

Best moment of this week: Making it through an entire work week with the kids back!! I'm mega sore today - and totally dragging - but I did it!!

Miss anything: A glass of wine after work...

Movement: Yep, they're still moving - but the kicks are getting lighter and lighter - I'm thinking this is due to them running out of room a bit. 

Food cravings: Again, nothing really...

Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken. Still.

Have you started to show yet: It's never-ending tummy over here!

Gender: Twice the serving of Sugar & Spice!

Labor signs: Thankfully, it was another quiet week!

Belly button in or out: In - but super shallow.

Wedding rings on or off: Off - but on a necklace around my neck :)

Mood most of the time: Happy - I'm really pleased with work this week, my performance, and how the girls are doing.  I'm getting so, so excited to meet them!!

Looking forward to: It's a big week next week!! I have my regular OB appointment on Tuesday, where I will do my gestational diabetes test as well as have a growth u/s.  Then on Wednesday I have my hour long u/s with the MFM (high risk doctor).  All of that will be followed by a maternity photo shoot with a local photographer to catch this pregnancy on film for all time!! Very exciting!! 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

27 weeks...a day late...

What's the saying? "A day late, a dollar short?" Well, after returning to work I had absolutely no energy to update yesterday, so I apologize, but I'm a day late! Hopefully this won't become a theme, but lately Fridays are pretty hard for me to get motivated. 

The girls are the size of the most unattractive fruit/vegetable yet - rutabagas.  Ugh.  Trust me, I tried to google something that was the same size in comparison, but all that came up was a page full of pregnant woman laughing at how their baby was the size of this stupid vegetable.  So, a rutabaga it is. 

Anyway - the babies are roughly 14 inches long - and this is the first week that they are officially measured from head to toe - before it was head to rump! I'm indecisive as to how much they weigh - the doctor said they should be roughly 3 lbs by now, but the bump said 1.5-2.5.  I guess 2.5 is roughly 3 lbs...

The girls are also starting to develop more brain activity this week and are now "breathing" amniotic fluid which is helping with lung development. So, some pretty major progress this week! Way to go ladies! 

Total weight gain: I'm not re-weighing myself after last week.  I'd like to stay blissfully the same in my mind, although, I'm quite sure that's not the case as everybody (including Allan) keep commenting on my size lately. 

Maternity clothes: I bought a new shirt for our maternity pictures at the end of the month - and a cardigan to help turn some of my summer tanks into more appropriate work wear. 

Stretch marks:  They are appearing in vast quantities at alarming amounts this week. I'm pretty sure I have stretch marks on top of stretch marks! 

Sleep: Wow! It's horrible!!! I'm sleeping about 1-2 hours before waking up.  Sometimes to use the bathroom sometimes just b/c.  I read somewhere that the body starts to prep itself for newborns in the 3rd tri by getting less and less sleep.  I hate it now, but I"m sure this lack of sleep will come in handy soon. 

Best moment of this week: Being able to make it through 3 days of work!! I was very nervous about it all - but it went well! I have great co-workers who have helped me out a TON so that helps too...I'm very lucky to be working where I am right now. 

Miss anything: Laying on my stomach.  

Movement: They are moving more - but not as intensely as before - if that makes sense.  I definitely feel them on a more regular schedule - but their kicks aren't as strong as they have been. 

Food cravings: Nothing, really.  Odd.  

Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken. Still.

Have you started to show yet: It's never-ending tummy over here! 

Gender: Twice the serving of Sugar & Spice!

Labor signs: Thankfully, it was another quiet week!

Belly button in or out:  In - I still can't believe it!

Wedding rings on or off: Off - but on a necklace around my neck :)

Mood most of the time: Anxious.  I want to see the girls, but I want them to cook a bit longer too! I'm also anxious to get everything done before they are here.  We finally have the cribs/changer so I think that will help with things.  The nursery is essentially done except for 2 more decorative things I want...but the big stuff if all taken care of!

Looking forward to: We have an u/s in a little over a week and then our maternity photo shoot!  I'm excited for both!! 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Labor & Delivery...

So, Allan and I spent the majority of the day in the Labor & Delivery section of the hospital yesterday.

For a little over 48 hours I was having the following symptoms: extreme fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness, tingly fingers and an upset stomach.

So, on the third day I decided I was going to call the on-call doctor (it was a Sunday) and see what they suggest.  The on call doctor thought it sounded a lot like high blood pressure and wanted me to go to L&D to have it checked and to monitor the babies for a bit.  So off we went.

After about 5 hours of testing it turns out it was not high blood pressure at all -  the babies are just getting bigger and running out of room so where they are positioned is causing everything to be pushed on. My light headedness, exhaustion and headaches are most likely from Zara being so far down in the cervix and constantly pushing on an important big vein causing blood return issues. As Allan says, it's like my body is running a marathon constantly - my heart is always working harder b/c of the low blood return and making me tired.  The not being able to get deep breathes/dizziness is due to Isla being so far up she's pushing into my right lung and not allowing me breathe 100% to full capacity (blood work showed I'm still getting enough oxygen though!). On top of all of that they think I might have a bit of a virus. The good news is that both of my blood work panels came back great (red/white blood cells, iron, electrolytes, glucose, etc).

So, while it was nice to be checked out and taken care of (the nurses at L&D are ace) it's still a bit frustrating as I'm still having most of those symptoms and there is no way to alleviate them.  I shared in one of my moms-to-be groups that I felt a bit silly for going in and nothing big being wrong - and somebody brought up a really good point: The only way I wouldn't have felt silly is if something was seriously wrong - and nobody wants that.  Better safe than sorry and to be checked out.  

So, I'm spending the next two days in bed in hopes of getting some of my energy back (and hopefully figuring out how to breathe properly again!) before I return to work.   And while the nurses at L&D were wonderful - I hope to not see them again until D-day!!  

Types of Twins

Before I was thrown into the crazy world of twins - I thought there were only two kinds: Identical and fraternal (not identical).  I had no idea that there were actually four different types of twins - I've read and read about it and it never really makes all that much sense to me.  But I finally stumbled upon this nice visual - and it helped me to see the difference between types of twins.  

As of right now, we are assuming the girls are Dichorionic/Diamniotic twins, aka, fraternal twins.  There is a very, very small chance that they are actually going to share the same DNA and be identical twins - but we will only know that after they are born.  For now, we always say "fraternal twins" when people ask...because that's all we know.  However, both Allan and I have agreed that if the girls look enough alike to even consider entertaining the idea that they are identical, we will have the girls take a DNA test.  Why - what difference will it make?  To us, it makes no difference - we are happy to have two healthy and happy babies - but if there were to be a medical problem that arises, God forbid, we would have that information handy instead of having to send it off and wait 9-10 days for the results before moving forward with a treatment option.  

Friday, August 9, 2013

26 weeks...

26 weeks today!! That means I'm 2/3 of the way through this pregnancy (if I were going to 40 weeks).  It also means that I have officially been pregnant for half of a year! And, I'm not going to lie, lately it seems as though I've been pregnant forever.  

The girls are roughly 2 lbs each at this point.  They can open and close their eyes and their hearing is developed enough to hear sounds outside of my stomach.  Not only that, but their cognitive development is enough to start remembering my voice as well as Allan's!  

The girls are starting to look more like babies (see last u/s) but, according to The Pregnant Chicken, "there’s still a fair amount of work going on under the hood with [their] internal organs."

Total weight gain: You know, I haven't stepped on the scale this week at all...hold on while I run to the bathroom - hopefully I won't return in tears!   Oooooh man...the grand total is 44 lbs...that leaves 21 lbs (max!) gain for the next 10 weeks.  Cue hyperventilating.

Maternity clothes: Yes, but my belly is starting to outgrow those too...what happens when you don't fit in maternity clothes?

Stretch marks:  They are slowly creeping their way upwards! I can now see them above my starting from my bikini line, all the way to my rib cage, I'm mapped out with stretch marks.

Sleep: Starting to get 3-4 hour periods of sleep at a time.  It's taking it's toll on me a bit (or I'm starting to get 3rd tri fatigue a bit early) and I find myself either needing a nap or going to bed extremely early at night.

Best moment of this week: Physical therapy...she figured out that I really have two issues that are making me walk around in pain.  1) SPD, which I already discussed in another post.  2) A locked left SI joint.  Awesome.  The reason my visit there was so good is b/c she gave me exercises to do to give me some relief.  I still hurt, trust me, but not as bad.

Miss anything: This week, shockingly, I don't really miss anything.

Movement: Oooh man, are they!  The girls pretty much kick whenever I'm "resting" i.e. not moving.  It's really quite cool to just sit still for 1/2 hour or so and watch my belly wibble and wobble in all directions from the kicks.

Food cravings: Cottage cheese.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken. Still.

Have you started to show yet: Yes, in fact, Allan is convinced that my stomach has grown even more in the last two weeks.

Gender: Twice the serving of Sugar & Spice!

Labor signs: Thankfully, it was another quiet week!

Belly button in or out:  In - I can't believe it!

Wedding rings on or off: Off - but on a necklace around my neck :)

Mood most of the time: I've been feeling a bit funky this week...but for the most part I'd say I'm happy.  Just melancholy.

Looking forward to: Going back to work next week.  I think it's going to be quite the challenge - but I'm looking forward to seeing everybody, and getting everything in place for my maternity leave so I can stop worrying about it.  Of course, work also makes my weeks go by much faster - so once I'm back Oct will be here before I know it!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction...

Dear SPD -

Go find another pregnant girl to bother! I'm done with you.  Not to mention, I have my fair share of aches and pains with this pregnancy, as I'm carrying two, yes two babies.  Pack up your bags and leave.  ASAP.


Well, hopefully putting that virtual letter out in the universe will help this SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction) get the clue.  It's brutal today and I just woke up.  But, let me start at the beginning.

About 3 weeks ago, by the end of the day, I would start having this sharp pain in my pelvic bone region.  It would make it hard to walk without a major waddle/limp, but I pushed through it because I knew I had an OB appointment coming up.  Also, it felt like it was in the actual bone, so I knew it wasn't going to be a UTI or bladder infection (both, this late, can cause preterm labor and are nothing to mess with).

Fast-forward to my appointment and sprinkle some extra pain in there and a few "clicking" sounds when I move.  My doctor confirmed that I indeed didn't have a UTI or bladder infection, but instead, have this lovely thing called SPD.  Awesome.  Apparently it's not unheard of and most frequently happens with women carrying twins or large babies.

What it all boils down to is that the cartilage (see number 7? That blue line running up the bone is what is killing me!) that holds the pelvic bone together starts to stretch.  The cartilage starts to stretch because of the hormones this pregnancy is producing relaxes the cartilage - and remember, I have twice the amount of hormones surging through me.   Also, to help out matters, Zara thinks it's funny to be head down shoved into my pelvis stretching it out even more.

So, going forward the doctor wants me to do some physical therapy to help ease the pain.  However, this does not start until Tuesday.  If that doesn't help then she prescribes pain medication - which I do not want to take as I'm trying not to take a darn thing, medicine wise, while pregnant.  I've done pretty good at that rule too - the only thing I took was early in the first tri when I had food poisoning.

So, here I am.  A week later and in so much pain! It hurts to walk, sit, or lay down.  I can hardly lift my left leg off the floor more than an inch.  It literally feels like somebody is taking a butcher knife and stabbing it into my bone (right where number 7 is) anytime I move.  It's clicking, almost the sound you hear when you crack your knuckles, and those "clicks" used to relieve pain - now they do nothing.  It's also making sleep nearly impossible - laying on my side is painful but I'm not allowed to lay on my back! I've tried pillows in every position. I'm absolutely miserable!!!

Okay, sorry for that big whine fest.  The thing that does have me worried, is, if physical therapy doesn't do the trick - or if it helps a bit - what happens when I go back to work?! I don't know what I'm going to do getting on and off the floor with the kids...and even just sitting at my work desk was miserable in July b/c of the added pressure.   But, I guess we'll cross that road when we get there.  For now, I'm going to focus on being able to walk around the grocery store to get our much needed groceries.

SPD - hit the road, jack! I'm over you!

Friday, August 2, 2013

25 Weeks...

Back to veggies & fruit for a bit.  It's disappointing, especially this week - the girls are the size of cauliflowers!  Ew - that is such an unattractive food.  

Anyway.  The girls are between 13-14 inches long and at our last MFM appointment weighed in close to 2 lbs!!! Grow, ladies! Grow!  Apparently this week the girls are putting on some weight (fat) and growing more hair.  It's funny b/c I've been wondering what kind of hair they will have lately.  I'm pretty sure they are going to have black, thick, curly hair...but who knows, genes are funny things at times!! Both of the girls have a sense of equilibrium now too - they know which way is up and down.  Well, at least "The Bump" says that...I'm not convinced b/c Z is still head down - which makes no sense.  Why would you willingly hang out upside down?  Anyway - I'm just complaining b/c it's uncomfortable to me.  Whatever works for her - I suppose!

Total weight gain: Another week where I haven't gained weight! Woo! Still hanging out at the 30-35 lbs mark.  Which, is good, b/c I've heard/read that you "blow up" in the last tri.  I can't blow up anymore.  I'm starting to avoid my reflection as is!

Maternity clothes: I took a peek at the fall maternity clothes that were coming out at Target yesterday, and I have to tell you, other than getting a few cardigans or long sleeves, I'm not sure I'll add much more to my collection.

Stretch marks: Still forming new ones every day! They are starting to really pick up speed on my stomach - it's almost like I have stretch marks on top of stretch marks now! It's lovely.

Sleep: These last few days have been a bit rough, but, I'm hoping that passes and I go back to getting some good sleep soon. The good thing is that the girls are sleeping at night now - and before that's when they wanted to be up and kicking.

Best moment of this week:
 Seeing the girls - twice!  The coolest was at the MFM - we caught Isla yawning...omg...cutest thing ever!

Miss anything: Walking without waddling! My hips/pelvic bone are in so much pain that I literally waddle everywhere.  I'd like to get my "swag" back...I feel like I'm looking like Honey Boo Boo's mom lately - size wise and waddling wise! Ugh.

Movement: Kicking more and more every day.  In fact, when I started updating this blog Isla was kicking up a storm.  I think she wants breakfast - unfortunately for her I have to wait at least 1/2 hour after waking up to eat - or I get sick.  Lovely.

Food cravings: This week it was an oreo blizzard! Lol Thank goodness I won a free one this week! Allan said the way I reacted he would've though I won a car. Hey, man, cravings are serious business!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken. Still.

Have you started to show yet: You read that I felt like I was the size of Honey Boo Boo's mom, right?
Gender: Twice the serving of Sugar & Spice!

Labor signs: Thankfully, it was another quiet week!

Belly button in or out: In!!!! Still so excited!!

Wedding rings on or off: Off - and have been for awhile, however, I had a little pregnancy moment yesterday and teared up over the fact I can't wear them on my finger.

Mood most of the time: I was finally back to being in an all around happy mood all week!

Looking forward to: Getting the nursery stuff in order.  Our mattresses were delivered yesterday, the cribs and changer are to come soon, and I bought some other random things yesterday.  I'm hoping to start seeing that room come together a bit more.